Sel reedel, 29. septembril toimub semiootikute traditsiooniline varasügisene väljasõit loodusesse

Väljasõidu töökeel on inglise keel.


Dear semiotician!

We invite you to come and visit Viljandi together on Friday, 29 September. The schedule is not very precise yet, but here's a rough sketch:

Start at 9.30 in the morning of 29th in front of our department, Jakobi 2.

10.30-13.00 taking a look around UT Viljandi Culture Academy.

13.30 Lunch at Heimtali

14.30 Visiting a museum at Heimtali

15.30 Hike at bog Riisaraba

18.00 Back to Tartu

Since some things in life are not for free, we need to collect a small participation fee. The exact amount will be specified, but it should be roughly 6-7 euros.

Please register yourselves at Liina Sieberk's office (Jakobi 2-318) before 26 September and bring your participation fee to her too. We have limited space in the bus, so please register sooner rather than later.

Kind regards,


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