Filosoofia osakonna tunniplaan

Filosoofia osakonna tunniplaan 2024/2025 kevadsemestril

Philosophy Classes, Spring 2025


12-14 Eesti filosoofia ajalugu (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 HVFI nõukogu koosolekud (kord kuus, Zoom)

14-16 The Quest for Being: Navigating Nihilism with Heidegger (Lars Panaro, Jakobi 2-337)

14.30-15.30 Osakonna töötajate koosolekud (üle nädala, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (1. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

16-18 Readings in Philosophy of Animal Minds (Miriana Maio, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Departmental Colloquium (Riin Sirkel, Jakobi 2-336) /Mõtteloo seminar (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (2. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

10-12 Filosoofia osakonna kooskirjutamine / (Jakobi 2-322)

12-14 Poliitikafilosoofia (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Philosophy of Language (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Memory, History and Tradition (Siobhan Kattago, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Social and Ethical Aspects of Engineering (Emmi Kaaya, Zoom)

16-18 Gilles Deleuze 100 (Jüri Lipping, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-322)


10-12 Ethics and Philosophy of Sex (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Ethics and Philosophy of Sex (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Ulme kui filosoofia (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Philosophy of Biology (Edit Talpsepp, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Philosophy of Existence (Jaanus Sooväli, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Doctoral Seminar (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (3. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Arthur Schopenhauer: maailm kui tahe ja ettekujutus (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (4. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

14-16 Epistemology (Simon Barker, Jakobi 2-336)

14-18 Research Integrity: Framework Requirements, Values and Principles of Action (Margit Sutrop et al., Zoom)

16-18 Euroopa romantism (Tiina Kirss, Zoom)

16-18 Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Jakobi 2-337 (klassiseminaridega rühm))

18-20 Abstraktse kunsti fenomenoloogia (Eduard Parhomenko, Zoom)

18-20 Philosophy Club (MA students, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 MA Seminar (1st year, Roomet Jakapi, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Philosophy Career Seminar (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-322)

12-14 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (5. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-16 Õpetaja eetika ja väärtuskasvatus (n 24 Margit Sutrop, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium; n 28 Nelli Jung, Zoom)

12-14 Philosophy of Language (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 MA Seminar (2nd year, Uku Tooming, Riin Sirkel, Vivian Puusepp, Jakobi 2-337)

14-18 Õpetaja eetika ja väärtuskasvatus (n 26,27 Mari-Liis Nummert, n 29 Anu Tammeleht, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium)


Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Moodle (e-õppe rühm))


Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students: will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students: will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Mats Volberg, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Mats Volberg, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by the Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))

Philosophy Classes, Autumn 2024


12-14 Kriitiline mõtlemine ja argumenteerimine (Mirt Kruusmaa ja Oliver Daniel, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium)

12-14 Tartu ülikool ja Euroopa ülikoolimõtte ajalugu (Pärtel Piirimäe ja Meelis Friedenthal, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Departmental Colloquium (Alexander Davies, Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336) / HVFI nõukogu koosolek (iga kuu 4. esmaspäev, Zoom)

16-18 Reading Group on Memory, Time and Modernity (Andrey Gavrilin, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Mõtteloo seminar (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu II (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Filosoofia osakonna kooskirjutamine / osakonna töötajate koosolek kord kuus (Jakobi 2-322)

12-14 Rahvusvahelise poliitilise mõtte ajalugu (Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-217)

12-14 Philosophy as a Way of Life: Stoicism Meets Buddhism (Vivian Puusepp, Riin Sirkel, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Reading Group on Critical Theory: Adorno & Horkheimer to Habermas (Siobhan Kattago, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Vaimufilosoofia (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-322)


10-12 Teadusfilosoofia (Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Classics in Moral Philosophy (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Eetika peateemad (Heidy Meriste, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Research Seminar (Siobhan Kattago, Bruno Mölder, Edit Talpsepp ja Roomet Jakapi, Jakobi 2-322)

14-16 Teadusfilosoofia ja –metodoloogia (Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-306)

16-18 Esteetika (Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Introduction to Logic (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

18-20 Nietzschest postmodernismi ja tänapäeva (Jaanus Sooväli, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Eetika alused (Heidy Meriste, Zoom)

18-20 Deleuze’i lugemisgrupp (Ott Puumeister, Jakobi 2-337)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu II (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Tudengi toimetuleku teejuht (Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-322, n 2,8,15)

12-14 Sissejuhatus loogikasse (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Sissejuhatus filosoofiaõpingutesse (Uku Tooming jt, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Eesti mõtteloo tüvitekstid (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)

14-18 Hea teadus: raamnõuded, väärtused ja tegevuspõhimõtted (Margit Sutrop jt, Zoom)

16-18 Eesti rahvusluse filosoofilised lätted (Kadi Kähär-Peterson ja Liisi Veski, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Philosophical Disagreements/ Elements of Argumentation Theory (Alexander Davies, Mats Volberg, Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-337 (in-class seminars))

18-19.30 Loogika kontrolltööd / Challenges (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 MA Seminar (1st year: Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336, 2nd year: Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Bakalaureuseseminar (Roomet Jakapi jt, Jakobi 2-337)

15-18 Pedagoogiline eetika (Anu Tammeleht, Jakobi 2-336 (n 10))

16-18 Pedagoogiline eetika (Mari-Liis Nummert, Jakobi 2-306 (n 2) Jakobi 2-336 (n 4))

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Zoom, n 6,10,14)


16-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium, n 2)


Philosophical Disagreements / Elements of Argumentation Theory (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg et al., Moodle)


Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students: will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students: will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Mats Volberg, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Mats Volberg, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by the Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))

Philosophy Classes, Spring 2024


12-14 Keelefilosoofia (Indrek Lõbus, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Departmental Colloquium (Alexander Davies, Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336) / HVFI nõukogu koosolek (iga kuu 4. esmaspäev, Zoom)

14-16 Modernity and its Discontents (Siobhan Kattago, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (filosoofia+semiootika rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

16-18 Mõtteloo seminar (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Filosoofia osakonna lugemisseminar “AI and Philosophy” (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-337) / Staff meetings once a month

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (1. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-14 Readings in Buddhist Philosophy I (Vivian Puusepp, Lars Panaro, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Poliitikafilosoofia (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Sissejuhatus metafüüsikasse (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-322)


10-12 Ethics and Philosophy of Sex (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 History of Scientific Ideas (Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Philosophy of Existence (Jaanus Sooväli, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Doctoral Seminar (Siobhan Kattago, Zoom)

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (2. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Fenomenoloogiline kunstikäsitus (Heidegger & Merleau-Ponty) (Zoom, Eduard Parhomenko)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (3. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-14 Keelefilosoofia (Indrek Lõbus, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Introduction to History of Philosophy (Roomet Jakapi et al., Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Tõde, võim ja veenmiskunst: filosoofilise retoorika ajalugu (Meelis Friedenthal jt, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Epistemology (Simon Barker, Jakobi 2-336)

14-18 Research Integrity: Framework Requirements, Values and Principles of Action (Margit Sutrop et al., Zoom)

14-18 Õpetaja eetika ja väärtuskasvatus (n 35,37, Mari-Liis Nummert, Zoom)

16-18 Sissejuhatus fenomenoloogiasse (Karin Kustassoo, Juhan Hellerma, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Jakobi 2-337 (klassiseminaridega rühm))

18-20 Väikeste kirjatükkide Kant (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)


10-12 MA Seminar (1st year, Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336, 2nd year, Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (4. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-16 Õpetaja eetika ja väärtuskasvatus (n 34,39 Margit Sutrop jt, Jakobi 2-438; n38 Nelli Jung, Zoom)


12-14 Philosophy of Medicine (Mirt Kruusmaa, Zoom)


Eesti mõtteloo erikursus: Euroopa Eestis (Tiina Kirss, Pärtel Piirimäe, Moodle)

Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Moodle (e-õppe rühm))

Social and Ethical Aspects of Engineering (Emmi Kaaya, Moodle)


Individual Study in Philosophy for Visiting Students: only for visiting students, planned and supervised individually, please contact Alexander Davies

Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students: will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students: will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Jaana Eigi-Watkin, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Jaana Eigi-Watkin, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))

Philosophy Classes, Autumn 2023


8-9 Organisatsiooni väärtusanalüüsi metoodikad (Halliki Harro-Loit, veebiseminarid)

10-12 Metaethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Departmental Colloquium (Alexander Davies, Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336) / HVFI nõukogu (iga kuu 4. esmaspäev, Zoom)

14-16 Sissejuhatus filosoofiaõpingutesse (Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Kriitiline mõtlemine ja argumenteerimine (Mats Volberg, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium)

16-18 Introduction to Logic (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Mõtteloo seminar + Euroopa mõtteloo sissejuhatus (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu II (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Research Seminar (Alexander Davies et al., Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Inimene, perekond, riik: loomuõigus ja ühiskond Euroopa mõtteloos (Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Philosophy of Mind (Bruno Mölder, Vivian Puusepp, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Bioethics (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Euroopa religioosse mõtte lugu (Meelis Friedenthal, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Sissejuhatus loogikasse (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-322)

18-20 Describing Eastern Europe: A Research Seminar in Political Philosophy of Language (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)


10-12 Teadusfilosoofia (Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Metaethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Eetika peateemad (Heidy Meriste, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Teadusfilosoofia ja –metodoloogia (Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Nietzschest postmodernismi ja tänapäeva (Jaanus Sooväli, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Doctoral Seminar (Ave Mets, Edit Talpsepp, Zoom)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu II (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Research Ethics in Humanities and Social Sciences (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Religioossed uskumused filosoofilises perspektiivis (Roomet Jakapi, Jakobi 2-337)

14-18 Hea teadus: raamnõuded, väärtused ja tegevuspõhimõtted (Margit Sutrop et al., Moodle/BBB)

14-18 Eetilised küsimused organisatsioonis (Margit Sutrop et al., Zoom)

16-18 Madis Kõivu dramaatiline filosoofia (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Philosophical Disagreements / Elements of Argumentation Theory (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Eetika alused (Heidy Meriste, Zoom)


10-12 Bakalaureuseseminar (Roomet Jakapi jt, Jakobi 2-337)

10-12 MA Seminar (1st year, Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336, 2nd year, Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-327)

13-14.30 Organisatsiooni väärtusanalüüsi metoodikad (Halliki Harro-Loit, Jakobi 2-336, n 1,19)

16-18 Pedagoogiline eetika (Mari-Liis Nummert, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Zoom, n 6,10,14)


16-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium, n 2)


Postphenomenology, Technoscience and Hermeneutics (September 4-7, Ave Mets)


Philosophical Disagreements / Elements of Argumentation Theory (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg et al., Moodle)


Individual Study in Philosophy for Visiting Students: only for visiting students, planned and supervised individually, please contact Alexander Davies

Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students: will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students: will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Jaana Eigi-Watkin, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Jaana Eigi-Watkin, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))

Filosoofia osakonna tunniplaan 2022/2023 kevadsemestril

Philosophy Classes, Spring 2023


10-12 Metaethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Eesti filosoofia ajalugu (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Philosophy of Medicine (Mirt Kruusmaa, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 The Philosophy of Existence (Jaanus Sooväli, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (filosoofia+semiootika rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

16-18 Mõtteloo seminar (Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (1. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

10-12 Philosophy of Language (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy (Vivian Puusepp, Jakobi 2-336)

12-13 Practical Philosophy Colloquium (Siobhan Kattago et al., Jakobi 2-327)

14-16 Political Philosophy (Siobhan Kattago, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Sissejuhatus metafüüsikasse (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-322)


10-12 Eesti rahvusluse filosoofilised lätted (Kadi Kähär-Peterson, Liisi Veski, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Metaethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Epistemology (Simon Barker, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Filosoofilised päevaraamatud: Adorno ja Heidegger (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Doctoral Seminar / MA Seminar (1st year) (Jaana Eigi-Watkin, Jakobi 2-336+Zoom)

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (2. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

18-20 History of Scientific Ideas (Endla Lõhkivi et al., Moodle/BBB)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (3. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-14 Psühholoogia filosoofia (Bruno Mölder, Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Main Topics in Ethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Introduction to History of Philosophy (Roomet Jakapi, Henri Otsing, Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-336)

14-18 Research Integrity: Framework Requirements, Values and Principles of Action (Kadri Simm et al., Moodle/BBB)

16-18 Sissejuhatus Immanuel Kanti esteetikasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Jakobi 2-336 (klassiseminaridega rühm))

16-18 Philosophy Career Seminar (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-322)


10-12 Philosophy of Language (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

10.30-12 Eetika organisatsioonis (Margit Sutrop jt, Jakobi 2-336, n 24,30,34,39)

12-14 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (4. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-14 MA Seminar (2nd year, Roomet Jakapi, Jakobi 2-336/327)

12-16 Õpetaja eetika ja väärtuskasvatus (Nelli Jung, Zoom)

13-16.30 Praktiline eetika igapäevatöös (Margit Sutrop jt, Jakobi 2-336, n 24,39)

13-16.30 Eetika organisatsioonis (Margit Sutrop jt, Jakobi 2-336, n 30,34)


Eesti mõtteloo erikursus: Euroopa Eestis (Tiina Kirss, Pärtel Piirimäe, Moodle)

Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Moodle (e-õppe rühm))

Social and Ethical Aspects of Engineering (Kadri Simm et al., Moodle)


Individual Study in Philosophy for Visiting Students: only for visiting students, planned and supervised individually, please contact Alexander Davies

Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students: will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students: will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Jaana Eigi-Watkin, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Jaana Eigi-Watkin, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))

Filosoofia osakonna tunniplaan 2022/2023 sügissemestril

Philosophy Classes, Autumn 2022


12-14 Eesti mõtteloo tüvitekstid (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Matthew Brown's "Science and Moral Imagination": Values and Choices in Science (Jaana Eigi-Watkin, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Euroopa religioosse mõtte lugu (Meelis Friedenthal, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Euroopa mõtteloo sissejuhatus /Mõtteloo seminar (Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Kriitiline mõtlemine ja argumenteerimine (Mats Volberg, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium)

16-18 Slurs, Pornography and Effability: Selected Topics in Socio-Political Philosophy of Language (Alexander Davies et al., Jakobi 2-336 / Jakobi 2-337)

18-20 Sissejuhatus loogikasse (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu II (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Introduction to Logic (Nikolai Shurakov, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Rahvusvahelise poliitilise mõtte ajalugu (Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Sissejuhatus filosoofiaõpingutesse (Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-336)

14-15 Practical Philosophy Colloquium (Siobhan Kattago et al., Jakobi 2-327)

16-18 Vaimufilosoofia (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-336)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-322)


10-12 Teadusfilosoofia (Endla Lõhkivi, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Research Seminar (Meelis Friedenthal, Siobhan Kattago, Edit Talpsepp, Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Euroopa romantism (Tiina Kirss, BBB/Moodle)

12-14 Ethics and Philosophy of Sex (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Doctoral Seminar (Alexander Davies et al., Jakobi 2-337+online)

14-16 Eetika peateemad (Heidy Meriste, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Teadusfilosoofia ja -metodoloogia (Endla Lõhkivi, BBB/Moodle)

14-16 Imagination: Its Nature and Importance (Uku Tooming, Jakobi 2-337)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu II (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Esteetika (Marek Volt, Jakobi 2-336)

14-18 Hea teadus: raamnõuded, väärtused ja tegevuspõhimõtted (Margit Sutrop jt, Moodle/BBB)

16-18 Sissejuhatus loogikasse (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Philosophical Disagreements I /Elements of Argumentation Theory (Kadri Simm et al., Jakobi 2-337 + Moodle)

18-20 Võõrandumine: kohandumisest vastupanuni Euroopa ja Eesti mõtteloo valguses (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2-337)

18-20 Eetika alused (Heidy Meriste, Zoom)


8.30-10 Pedagoogiline eetika (Mari-Liis Nummert, Jakobi 2-336, n 14)

10-12 Introduction to Logic (Nikolai Shurakov, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 MA Seminar (1st year, Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 MA Seminar (2nd year, Siobhan Kattago, Zoom)

16-18 Pedagoogiline eetika (Mari-Liis Nummert, Jakobi 2-336, n 2,6,12)

18-20 Pedagoogiline eetika (Mari-Liis Nummert, Jakobi 2-336, n 8,10)


16-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Jakobi 2 ringauditoorium, n 2)

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (Eduard Parhomenko, Zoom, n 6,10,14)


Philosophical Disagreements /Elements of Argumentation Theory (Kadri Simm et al., Moodle (Web-based group))


Individual Study in Philosophy for Visiting Students: only for visiting students, planned and supervised individually, please contact Alexander Davies

Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students: will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students: will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Jaana Eigi-Watkin, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Jaana Eigi-Watkin, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))


12-14 Eesti filosoofia ajalugu (Pärtel Piirimäe jt, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Metaethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

13-15 Genealogies of Knowledge (Toomas Lott, Zoom)

14-16 Eesti rahvusluse filosoofilised lätted (Kadi Kähär-Peterson, Liisi Veski, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Collective Cognition (Jimena Clavel Vázquez, Jakobi 2-305)

15-16 Practical Philosophy Colloquium (James Pearson et al., Jakobi 2-327)

16-18 Keelefilosoofia (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (filosoofia+semiootika rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

16-18 Mõtteloo seminar (Pärtel Piirimäe, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Main Topics in Ethics (Sergei Sazonov, Kyle York, Jakobi 2-305)

16-18 Philosophy of Technology: Reading and Discussion Group (Ave Mets, Nada Mohamed, Jakobi 2-327)

18-20 Formal Semantics (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (1. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

10-12 Science—Open, Ethical, Relevant and Reliable? (Jaana Eigi-Watkin, Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-327+online)

12-14 Situated Approaches to Cognition: Current Disputes (Jimena Clavel Vázquez, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Eesti mõtteloo erikursus: Euroopa Eestis (Tiina Kirss, Zoom)

14-16 Philosophy of Mental Health (Simon Barker, Jakobi 2-336)

16-18 Memory, History and Tradition (Siobhan Kattago, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Philosophy of Mind Reading Group (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-321)

18-20 Analüütilise filosoofia seminar (Bruno Mölder jt, Jakobi 2-336)


10-12 Knowledge, Prejudice, Power and Politics: Social Epistemology (Simon Barker, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Metaethics (Francesco Orsi, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 Poliitikafilosoofia (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-336)

14-16 History of Scientific Ideas (Endla Lõhkivi et al., Moodle/BBB)

14-16 The Philosophy of Existence (Jaanus Sooväli, Jakobi 2-230)

16-18 Young Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religious Life (Karin Kustassoo, Jakobi 2-337)

16-18 Doctoral Seminar (Siobhan Kattago, Zoom)

18-20 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (2. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)


10-12 Filosoofia ajalugu I (Andrus Tool, Jakobi 2-336)

10-12 Keelefilosoofia (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

10-12 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (3. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-14 Sissejuhatus metafüüsikasse (Bruno Mölder, Jakobi 2-336)

12-14 Research Ethics in Humanities (Kadri Simm, Jakobi 2-337)

14-16 Introduction to History of Philosophy (Roomet Jakapi, Toomas Lott, Pärtel Piirimäe, Zoom)

14-18 Research Integrity: Framework Requirements, Values and Principles of Action (Kadri Simm et al., Moodle/BBB)

16-18 Genealogies of Knowledge (Toomas Lott, Jakobi 2-224)

18-20 Abstraktse kunsti fenomenoloogia (Eduard Parhomenko, Zoom)


10-12 Formal Semantics (Alexander Davies, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse (4. rühm, Roomet Jakapi jt, Zoom)

12-14 MA Seminar (1st year, Jaana Eigi-Watkin, Jakobi 2-337)

12-14 MA Seminar (2nd year, Roomet Jakapi, MS Teams)

12-16 Õpetaja eetika ja väärtuskasvatus (Nelli Jung, Zoom)


Filosoofilised lahkarvamused / Argumentatsiooniteooria alused (Kadri Simm, Mats Volberg jt, Moodle (e-õppe rühm))

Social and Ethical Aspects of Engineering (Kadri Simm et al., Moodle)


Individual Study in Philosophy for Visiting Students (only for visiting students and planned individually, please contact Alexander Davies)

Individual Study in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy I-III for MA students (will be planned together with supervisors, arranged individually, and recorded in semester plans, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses)

Readings in History of Philosophy / Practical Philosophy /Philosophy of Science / Theoretical Philosophy for PhD students (will be planned together with supervisors, recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually, can be (partly) covered by in-class courses)


Praktika bakalaureuseõppes: juhendab Jaana Eigi-Watkin, sooritatakse individuaalselt, palun leppige õppejõuga kokku (vt ka juhiseid Moodle’is)

Practice for MA students: supervised by Jaana Eigi-Watkin, tasks and/or placement will be arranged individually: please contact the instructor (see also instructions at Moodle)

Teaching Practice for PhD students: will be planned ahead with supervisors (approved by Chair and Programme Director, if needed), recorded in yearly work plans, and arranged individually (please discuss the possibilities with your supervisor(s))

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