The Philosophy Department of the University of Tartu organises the 19th Estonian Annual Philosophy Conference from August 29–30, 2024 in Tartu. Submission deadline: June 10, 2024.
The workshop takes place at the University of Tartu on 28.–29. September 2024. This year the keynote lectures will be given by Henrik Lagerlund (Stockholm University): “Francisco Suárez on Free Will and doing Evil for the sake of Evil” and Eva Piirimäe (University of Tartu): "The Politics of Metamorphosis versus Palingenesis in the German Enlightenment".
XV International Tartu Semiotics Summer School titled “Learning in Transformation” takes place from August 28 to 31 in Viljandi, Estonia. The focus of the summer school revolves around themes related to learning, teaching, and schools (not least including the Tartu-Moscow school of semiotics). Registration is open until July 1st.
On Friday, April 5, at 16:15 - opening of the exhibition "Kant 300 in Tartu: from manuscripts to heaven" at the university library. The exhibition features original manuscripts of the philosopher's lecture courses and correspondence, as well as first editions of his works from the collections of the University of Tartu Library.
In the midst of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the academic peer-reviewed journal Studia Philosophica Estonica has launched a groundbreaking special public edition, “Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War”. It is the first issue of a philosophy journal to exclusively cover Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The renowned public intellectuals and distinguished scholars who contribute to this volume have written essays that combine rigorous academic analysis of the conflict with an accessible and engaging style. As a result, this special issue on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine offers insight…
On 5 September, one of the world’s leading moral philosophers, Professor Jeff McMahan from the University of Oxford, will give a public lecture on the ethics of killing and just war theory. His lecture marks the publication of a special issue of a philosophy journal focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. The event will be held from 16:00 to 18:00 in White Hall at the University of Tartu Museum.
The first weeks at the university bring new acquaintances, new buildings, a new daily schedule and, of course, a lot of new knowledge. To organize the first weeks and the rest of the studies better, we have put together an information session on the most important topics, where first-year students can find out how to navigate the university.
For the second year in a row, volunteers from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are organising an eco-friendly fair that offers everything sustainable. This enables reusing a wide range of consumer goods in addition to delighting fairgoers with farm, garden and forest products. The fair will take place in the courtyard of Philosophicum on 3 September at 12:00–16:00. You can register to sell your goods until 30 August.
Starting from 16 August, all staff and students of the university will be able to test the virtual assistant on the University of Tartu IT wiki page, which will provide support in solving IT problems based on existing guides. The trial period will last a couple of months, during which the Information Technology Office will be able to assess the quality of the virtual assistant service.
The opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place on Monday, 2 September at 10:00 in front of the university's main building.
The updated virtual tour of the University of Tartu at enables everyone interested to get to know the university’s learning and research environment already before arriving there. In addition, the tour gives an overview of bicycle parking and accessibility at the university buildings.
The workshop takes place at the University of Tartu, 7-8 November 2024 and is organised by Prof. Bruno Mölder. We invite you to submit abstracts of approximately 300 words for 45-minute presentations until September 9th.
From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.
VIII NordPhil toimub 13.–14. septembril Tartus. Korraldajad kutsuvad kõiki Põhjamaade filosoofiatudengeid esitama konverentsile ettekandeid ja kaastöid. Laiendatud kokkuvõtte ja kaaskiri tuleb saata hiljemalt 30. juuniks.
Scientific Instruments in History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia, 13-15 June 2024. Registration is open until Friday, May 31.
The three-week night library begins this spring on May 20th. Organized together with the UT Student Council, the night library has been offering students the opportunity to...