Semiosalong ootab osalejaid hooaja viimasele kohtumisele

Semiosalong on semiootika osakonna tudengite korraldatud ingliskeelsete seminariõhtute sari. 9. detsembril kell 19 algab hooaja viimane kohtumine, teemaks on "Mythokatalysis". Ettekandeid peavad emeriitprofessor Jüri Talvet ja väliseesti külalisprofessor Jaan Valsiner.

Jüri Talvet, "Tartu 2024 (European Capital City of Culture) and the (Invisible) Roots of Estonian Autochthonous-National Conscience and Culture"

Without access to the Estonian language, a foreign visitor of Tartu can hardly understand why poetry and poets are so important even for present day Estonia. Any foreigner could notice among many cultural monuments and statues those of the founders of our poetry and literary creativity in Tartu: Kristian Jaak Peterson (1801-1822), Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1803-1882), Lydia Koidula (1843-1886) and Juhan Liiv (1864-1913). But does a foreigner really notice them? One of them is quite recent (Koidula) - only a few years old. I doubt if an average Estonian has ever paid attention to the modest memorial stone of Juhan Liiv. Somewhat better known are the memorial statues of K. J. Peterson and F. R. Kreutzwald, though both are, too, relatively recent. Anyway, they all are mute. They are the founders of our poetry and literature. As free-thinkers, writers-philosophers, deeply immersed in ideological dissent, their importance goes far beyond poetry and literature. They have been the main moulders of our autochthonous-national conscience and culture. Without their work the present day Estonia, operating in all its spheres in our own language, Estonian, would be have been hardly imaginable.

By the way, Juhan Liiv (our "dear poet-madman") was the first ever Estonian who dared to manifest in writing (in his poem "Kas näitad?") the dream and the prophecy of a free independent Estonian state ("Ükskord on Eesti riik").

Jaan Valsiner, "How allegorical sign fields set the stage for human dramas"

Human real life dramas of any kind—celebrations, calamities, boredom of trvialities of daily busyness—are encapsulated by various hyper-generalized and therefore “silent” frames of sign fields. Social direction of these fields is given by pleromatically encoded allegories. We will look at the ways in which the making of allegories is an insertion of value into the meaning construction process as it reaches a relatively high level of abstraction.

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