Triin Paaver


Mölder, Bruno (2022). Interpretivism and mental fictionalism. In: Tamas Demeter, T. Parent, Adam Toon (Ed.). Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations (320−339). London and New York: Routledge.

Eigi-Watkin, Jaana (2022) Applying the notion of epistemic risk to argumentation in philosophy of science. Euro Jnl Phil Sci 12, 27

Tooming, Uku (2022) Knowing When to Stop. Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

Orsi, Francesco (2021) Mill’s Proof and the Guise of the Good. Philosophical Explorations, 21 (1)

Orsi, Francesco (ed.) (2021) Special Issue: The Modern Guise of the Good. Philosophical Explorations, 21 (1)

Kattago, Siobhan (2021) Ghostly pasts and postponed futures: The disorder of time during the corona pandemic. Memory Studies, 14:6, 1401-1413

Orsi, F. (2021) Mill’s Proof and the Guise of the Good. Philosophical Explorations, 21 (1)

Orsi, F. (ed.) (2021) Special Issue: The Modern Guise of the Good. Philosophical Explorations, 21 (1)

Kattago, S. (2021) Ghostly pasts and postponed futures: The disorder of time during the corona pandemic. Memory Studies, 14:6, 1401-1413

Eigi, J. (2020). Are Experts Representative of Non-Experts? Elective Modernism, Aspects of Representation, and the Argument from Inductive Risk, Perspectives on Science 28(4): 459-481.

Kõiv, R. (2020). Innate Mind Need Not Be Within, Acta Analytica (online first)

Kattago, S. (2020). Being with the Dead: Burial, Ancestral Politics, and the Roots of Historical Consciousness, Memory Studies 13:347-360.

Hellerma, J. (2020). History on the Move: Reimagining Historical Change and the (Im)possibility of Utopia in the 21st Century, Journal of the Philosophy of History Online first.

Hellerma, J. (2020). Koselleck on Modernity, Historik, and Layers of Time, History and Theory 59:188−209.

Vihalemm, R. (2020). On the Transition to Quantitative Inquiry in Chemistry, Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum 8:126-132. Tõlkija: Ave Mets

Mets, A. (2020). A Measurement-Theoretic View on the Early Evolution of the Ordering of Chemical Elements, Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum 8:5-32

Orsi, F. & Garcia, A. G. (2020). The explanatory objection to the fitting attitude analysis of value, Philosophical Studies 27.

Orsi, F. (2020). Hume and the Guise of the Bad, Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (1):39-56

Simm, K. (2020). Ethical decision-making in humanitarian medicine: how best to prepare?, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2020 Apr 13:1-14

Pearson, J. S. (2020). The Value of Malevolent Creativity, The Journal of Value Inquiry Online first

Kõiv, R. (2020). Mis, kes, kuidas ja millal on sotsiaalselt konstrueeritud, Akadeemia 32: 54-77.

Jakapi R. (2020). Early Modern Natural Philosophy Allied with Revealed Religion: Boyle and Whiston, Fuller M., Evers D., Runehov A., Sæther KW., Michollet B. (eds) Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology, vol 5. Springer, Cham.

Kõiv, R. (2020). Elusive vehicles of genetic representations, Biology and Philosophy 35.

Davies, A. (2020). Identity display: another motive for metalinguistic disagreement, Inquiry, Online First.

Kitsik, E. (2020). Conceptual Engineering and Ways of Believing, Erkenntnis, Online First.

Orsi, F. (2019). Seks, surm ja perverssus, Akadeemia 7, lk 1301−1312

Orsi, F. (2019). Kuidas antropotseenis õigesti talitada, Vikerkaar 9, September 2019

Kõiv, R. (2019). Causal Social Construction, Journal of Social Ontology 5 (1), 77−99.

Kattago, S. (2019). Encountering the Past within the Present, Routledge.

Meriste, H. (2019). Against Exclusively Retrospective Guilt, Cokelet, B. ja Maley, C. J. (eds), The Moral Psychology of Guilt. Rowman & Littlefield International.

Fritz, P., Hawthorne, J., Yli‐Vakkuri, J. (2019). Operator arguments revisited, Philosophical Studies, 176: 2933–2959.

Eigi, J. (2019). How to think about shared norms and pluralism without circularity: A reply to Anna Leuschner, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 75: 51-56.

Tooming, U. (2019). Active desire, Philosophical Psychology, Online first

Sova, H. (2019). A Non-substantial Meta-semantics for Global Expressivism, Acta Analytica Online first.

Kattago, S. (2019). Statelessness, Refugees, and Hospitality: Reading Arendt and Kant in the Twenty-First Century, New German Critique 46:15-40.

Frances, B. (2018). Why the vagueness paradox is amazing, Think 17:27-38.

Orsi, F. (2018). Mill and sexual reform, Think 17:101-112.

Yli‐Vakkuri, J. ja Hawthorne, J. (2018). The Necessity of Mathematics, Nous, Online first

Fritz, P., Hawthorne, J. ja Yli-Vakkuri, J. (2018). Operator arguments revisited, Philosophical Studies, Online first

Mets, A. (2018). A Philosophical Critique of the Distinction of Representational and Pragmatic Measurements on the Example of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements, Foundations of Science, Online first.

Tooming, U. (2018). There is Something about the Image: A Defence of the Two‐Component View of Imagination, Dialectica, 72: 121-139.

Orsi, F.(2018). Normative Judgment and Rational Requirements: A Reply to Ridge, Analytic Philosophy, 59: 281-290.

Kitsik, E.(2018). Explication as a Strategy for Revisionary Philosophy, Synthese, Online First: 1-22.

Simm, K. (2018). Can Theories of Global Justice Be Useful in Humanitarian Response?, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 27: 261-270.

Strohminger, M. ja Yli-Vakkuri, J. (2018). Knowledge of objective modality, Philosophical Studies, Online first.

Eigi, J., Velbaum, K., Lõhkivi, E., Simm, K., Kokkov, K. (2018) Supervision, mentorship and peer networks: how Estonian early career researchers get (or fail to get) support, Roars Transactions, a Journal on Research Policy and Evaluation, 6: 1-16.

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Kitsik, E. (2018). Answering Existence Questions in the Best Language for Inquiry, Philosophia, Online first: 1-16.

Puusepp, V. (2018). Can the problem of the observability of other minds be solved in the lab?: Comment on “Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds” by Cristina Becchio et al., Physics of Life Reviews.

Talpsepp-Randla, E. (toim.) (2017). Contemporary Questions of Metaphysics in Science: NNPS 2016. Studia Philosophica Estonica, Vol. 10.1.

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