Teisipäeval, 1. märtsil annab professor Michael Renov (University of Southern California) semiootika osakonnas loengu teemal "Why the documentary matters?”
Teisipäeval, 1. märtsil, 16:15-18:00, Jakobi 2-306
Michael Renov, professor of Critical Studies and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs from University of Southern California, author of several books about the documentary film and documentary film curator for many festivals, will be talking about the social significance of the documentary film. Dr. Renov will discuss the crucial functions served by the documentary film -- preservation, persuasion, analysis and expression -- with additional attention given to ethical concerns. Dr. Renov, an experienced jury member for film festivals such as Sundance, Silverdocs and many others, will also be talking about the U.S. documentary films and U.S. documentary films history, and semiotics of a documentary film.
The lecture is associated with the American Showcase program of the US Embassy in Estonia.