Sami Pihlströmi loeng "Holistic Pragmatism and William James's 'Will to Believe" 18. mai kell 14:15

Reedel 18. mai kell 14:15 peab professor Sami Pihlström külalisloengu pealkirjaga "Holistic Pragmatism and William James's 'Will to Believe". Loeng toimub Jakobi 2-336. Loeng toimub tavapärase doktoriseminari asemel.

Loengu lühitutvustus
This paper will first introduce and (with some qualifications) defend what Morton White has called "holistic pragmatism" as a promising approach to the pragmatist theory of inquiry and especially to the relation between fact and value, or the descriptive and the normative. Holistic pragmatism may, among other things, be used to make more precise Hilary Putnam's idea of the fact-value entanglement. In its second main part, the paper will turn to William James (an important background figure for both Putnam and White), analyzing the ways in which James can be claimed to be a holistic pragmatist. Particular attention will be drawn to James's controversial "will to believe" doctrine, which can be seen as manifesting holistic pragmatism due to its emphasis on the holistic character of our doxastic practices.

Ettekandja kohta
Sami Pihlström on Helsinki Ülikooli religioonifilosoofia professor. Ta on ühtlasi Soome Filosoofilise Seltsi president. Tema uurimisvaldkonnad on pragmatism, realism, transententaalne filosoofia, metafüüsika, eetika ja religioonifilosoofia. Mõned tema hiljutised raamatud Taking Evil Seriously (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), Kantian Antitheodicy (koos Sari Kivistöga, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), Death and Finitude (Lexington, 2016), samuti toimetatud kogumik Pragmatism and Objectivity (Routledge, 2017).

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