Professor Risto Heiskala (Tampere Ülikool) külalisseminar 16 oktoobril semiootika osakonnas

16. oktoobril kell 10.15 ruumis 306 annab professor Risto Heiskala loengu, millele järgneb diskussioon semiootika, sotsioloogia, sotsiaalteaduste ja majanduse seoste teemal. Arutluse alla tuleb ka professor Heiskala artikkel „Toward semiotic sociology: A synthesis of semiology, semiotics and phenomenological sociology“. Seminar toimub inglise keeles ja kõik on teretulnud osa võtma.


Risto Heiskala is Professor at and Director of the Institute for Advanced Social Research at the University of Tampere, Finland. His main research areas are social theory, cultural theory, semiotics, economic sociology, historical sociology, modernization and globalization. His publications include Society as Semiosis: Neostructuralist theory of culture and society (Peter Lang, 2003) and Social Innovations, Institutional Change and Economic Performance (Edward Elgar, 2007, edited jointly with Timo Hämäläinen).