Professor Marc Hight ettekanne "Better off as Judged by Themselves: A Critical Examination of Nudge Theory"

1. juunil kell 14:15 (Jakobi 2 - 336) peab avaliku ettekande professor Marc Hight (Hampden-Sydney College, USA), pealkiri on "Better off as Judged by Themselves: A Critical Examination of Nudge Theory.". Marc Hight oli TÜ filosoofia osakonnas 2007/2008 õ.a. Fulbright scholar

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"Libertarian Paternalism claims to differ from traditional paternalism by making people better off, ‘as judged by themselves.’ I argue that choice architects use ‘better off, as judged by themselves’ in a way that is systematically unclear and misleading. This unclarity furthermore makes recent debates about the efficacy and morality of employing nudges as public policy instruments in some cases difficult, if not meaningless. Ultimately the matter simply resolves into intuition pulling about values, making libertarian paternalism effectively equivalent to traditional paternalism."