
Hemmo Laiho ettekanne "Sapere aude! A Double-edged Sword?"

Neljapäeval, 26.mail 2022 peab Turu ülikooli vanemlektor Hemmo Laiho ettekande "Sapere aude! A Double-edged Sword?". Ettekanne algab kell 12:15 (Jakobi 2-336) ja kõik huvilised on oodatud. 

Sapere aude! A Double-edged Sword?


Sapere aude! – Kant’s motto of the Enlightenment – encourages a society the members of which are capable of independent thinking and allowed the freedom of public expression. In particular, the motto encourages pursuit of knowledge unrestrained by authorities. In my talk, I offer two interpretations for the motto. The subjectivist interpretation underscores pluralism of views and individual freedom in gaining knowledge. The universalistic interpretation underscores reason as the guarantor of the possibility of arriving at objective knowledge. Both views apparently capture something crucial about the project of enlightenment, yet they run into the risk of either taking epistemic individualism too far or transcending knowledge beyond our reach. As it turns out, this tension might be more topical than ever in today’s societal context.

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