Robin Wilsoni ja Amirouche Moktefi raamatu esitlusseminar 30. mai

Kõik huvilised on oodatud raamatu “The Mathematical World of Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)” (toimetajad Robin Wilson ja Amirouche Moktefi) esitlusele ja seminarile 30. mail kell 16.15 Jakobi 2 ruumis 336. Amirouche Moktefi (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool) seminariettekande lühikokkuvõte on toodud allpool. Seminari korraldab TÜ filosoofia ja semiootika instituudi teadusfilosoofia õppetool.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is best known for his 'Alice' books written under his pen name of Lewis Carroll. Yet, whilst lauded for his work in children's fiction and his pioneering work in the world of Victorian photography, his everyday job was a lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford University. His mathematical work covers disciplines such as geometry, algebra, logic, the theory of voting, and recreational mathematics. Although there is dispute as to the mathematical importance of Dodgson's work, the chief aim of this talk is to highlight its historical importance. It offers a beautiful instance of Victorian intellectual life, grounded in the ideals of liberal education but facing the growing influence of natural sciences. I will particularly address Dodgson's effort to popularize logic and his interventions in public debates to disprove fallacies.

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