Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War

Studia Philosophica Estonica

Vol. 17 (2024) "Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War", (ed) Aaron James Wendland


Philosophy and Current Affairs: The Russia-Ukraine War

Aaron James Wendland


Grappling With Evil Amidst Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Mychailo Wynnyckyj

Thinking About Freedom in Wartime Ukraine

Timothy Snyder

The Sword is Mightier Than the Pen: An Interview with Margaret Atwood

Aaron James Wendland

Thinking in Dark Times: Life, Death, and Social Solidarity

Volodymyr Yermolenko

Just War Theory and the Russia-Ukraine War

Jeff McMahan

Against the Odds: Defending Defensive Wars

Gerald Lang

What Is This Thing Called Peace?

Fabio Lampert

Nationalisms: Purification, Privilege, Pride, and Protection

Jonathan Wolff

The Antinomies of the Russia-Ukraine War and Its Challenges to Feminist Theory

Irina Zherebkina

The Russia-Ukraine War and the Sediments of Time

Siobhan Kattago

Putin’s Use and Abuse of History as a Political Weapon

Cynthia Nielsen

To Cancel or Not to Cancel? – Questioning the Russian Idea

George Pattison

Academic Dialogue Against the Background of War

Nataliia Viatkina

Utopia, Dystopia, and Democracy: Teaching Philosophy in Wartime Ukraine

Orysya Bila, Joshua Duclos

Ukrainian Civil Society: Past Lessons and Future Possibilities

Nataliia Volovchuk

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