Information session for starting international students of the Faculty

The first weeks at the university bring new acquaintances, new buildings, a new daily schedule and, of course, a lot of new knowledge. To organize the first weeks and the rest of the studies better, we have put together an information session on the most important topics, where first-year students can find out how to navigate the university.

Studia Philosophica Estonica’s special issue on Russia-Ukraine war bridges the gap between academic and public discussion

In the midst of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the academic peer-reviewed journal Studia Philosophica Estonica has launched a groundbreaking special public edition, “Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War”. It is the first issue of a philosophy journal to exclusively cover Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The renowned public intellectuals and distinguished scholars who contribute to this volume have written essays that combine rigorous academic analysis of the conflict with an accessible and engaging style. As a result, this special issue on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine offers insight that will resonate with professional academics and the general public alike.
#recognition  #news
Nominations can be submitted via the web form until 20 September.
#recognition  #news
Until 31 October, nominations can be submitted for the “Contribution to Estonian National Identity” award.
#studies #alumni #news
The mentoring programme will be held again this autumn semester, welcoming students, alumni and university staff to apply until 23 September.
#for student #studies #news
Optional courses in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities autumn 2024 are now open for registration.

Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics

Welcome to the Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, University of Tartu. The Institute was established in 2007 following a broad structural reform within UT. As a result of that the Department of Semiotics was re-introduced to the Faculty of Philosophy (from the Faculty of Social Sciences) and was joined with both the Department of Philosophy and the interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics. In 2016 the Institute became part of the new Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

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The virtual tour of the University of Tartu

The virtual tour of the University of Tartu offers a comprehensive glimpse into the campus’s educational and research facilities, allowing prospective visitors to explore the university’s infrastructure. It includes a detailed look at bicycle parking options and building accessibility. Additionally, the tour showcases various amenities such as student dormitories, sports facilities, museums, the library, the Student Union office, and the university hospital.

Visit us virtually
Title of the journal in Ukrainian flag colours blue and yellow and the journal logo

Department of Philosophy

Eetika raamatud riiulil

Centre for Ethics

Logo in english

Department of Semiotics

forest, sign, mets, märk, Ulla Juske

Centre for Semiotic Applications

peahoone katuse serv


poisid raamaturiiuli juures
