Paul Pattoni külalisloeng "Foucault on Power and Government"

Paul Patton (University of New South Wales) peab 2. novembril kell 16:15 avaliku loengu ruumis Jakobi 2-114. Loengu pealkiri on "Foucault on Power and Government"

Paul Pattoni õppis oma doktorantuuri ajal nii Foucault'i kui ka Deleuze'i juhendamise all Pariisis 1970ndatel. Praegu on ta New South Wales'i ülikooli Scientia Professor of Philosophy. Paul on tõlinud inglise keelde Deleuze'i Différence et Répétition, oma karjääri alguses publitseeris ta peamiselt Deleuze'i, Derrida, Foucault'i, and teiste prantsuse post-strukturalistlike mõtlejate teemal. Hiljuti on ta asunud töötama Angloameerika poliitikafilosoofia (Rawls, Nozick, Cohen, Pettit, jne) ja kontinentaalse poliitikafilosoofia (Nietzsche, Foucault, Deleuze, Agamben, jne) ristumise teemal. Täpsemalt on ta tegelenud Nietzsche and Foucault'i võimu mõiste analüüsiga ja kuidas see omab tähtsust poliitilise liberalismi ning mitmete liberalismi võtmemõistete nagu autonoomia, pluralism, jaoks.

Loengu lühikokkuvõte
Foucault’s lectures in 1976 open with the statement of an intellectual crisis. They proceed to a series of questions about the nature of power and the ways that he has conceived of it up to this point: What is power? How is it exercised? Is it ultimately a relation of force? Only some of these questions are answered in the course of these lectures. His answer to the conceptual questions about the nature of power and the appropriate means to analyze it is not forthcoming until after the discovery of ‘governmentality’ in 1978 and his lectures on liberal and neoliberal governmentality in 1979. This talk aims to retrace his answers to these questions in the light of the published lectures and to examine the consequences of these answers for his overall approach to the analysis power, and for his analysis of liberal and neoliberal governmental power.