MOOCi kursusele "Autonoomsed naised" saab veel registreeruda!

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Filosoofia osakond pakub MOOCi kursust "Autonoomsed naised: Liberalismi ja feminismi surve" (HVFI.TK.013).

Kursus algab 7. oktoobril ja kestab 7. novembrini. Kursuse toimub Moodle'i keskonnas inglise keeles.

Kursuse tutvustus:

"This course has two aims. Firstly, it provides the participants with an introduction to two methods for studying concepts. Secondly, the course provides an introduction to the some of the philosophical debates that arise when trying to understand the specific concept of autonomy. Although the word "autonomy" is unusual, the concept is commonly used by one's peers and by the state to determine how one lives. Consequently, how it is properly defined has significant political consequences."

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