Ökosemiootika metodoloogia seminar 28.-29. novembril Tartus

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Seminar on methodology of ecosemiotics

November 28-19, Tartu, in Tartu Loodusmaja, Lille 10

The relationship of cultural phenomena and various subjects with their respective environments has been a central research interest in semiotics. The seminar will focus on the methods and methodological problems in semiotic studies of relations between cultural phenomena, living beings and the environment. The diversity in the field of research methods can be manifested as field work, analysis of representations and texts,  as well as interviews and questionnaires;  different challenges are posed by the diverse environments and subjects studied, ranging  from islets to cities, from poets to plants.

Presentations and discussions at the seminar relate to methodological problems arising in studying relationships of the environment, subjects and cultural phenomena, on outlining challenges as well as offering possible solutions.

You are invited to participate and additional presentations can also be considered.

Seminar program (preliminary):



Kalevi Kull “Morphology of umwelt”

Nelly Mäekivi "Ecosemiotic aspects of zoological gardens"

Laura Kiiroja "Socialising zoo animals with people - the semiotics of methodology"


Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk  “What is a garden? - a semiotic answer to a general question“

Tiit Remm “Texting and textualisation in urban planning, experiences and representations”





Timo Maran “The role of ad-hoc approaches in ecosemiotic research”

Morten Tønnessen "Plans for field work on predator-prey conflicts in Norway involving video-recorded interviews followed by pico-scale analysis"

Riin Magnus, Kadri Tüür “Doing ecosemiotic research on Western Estonian islets”

For further information and registration, please write:

Tiit Remm

Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu


The seminar is organised by Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu in the framework of the research grant “Ecosemiotic analysis of Estonian culture of nature”.


Kultuurinähtuste ning erinevate subjektide keskkond ning suhe keskkonda on üks semiootika läbivaid uurimisteemasid. Seminaril käsitletakse kultuurinähtuste, elusolendite ja keskkonna suhete semiootilise uurimise meetodeid ja metodoloogilisi probleeme. Uurimismeetodite mitmekesisuses on oma koht nii välitööl, representatsioonide ja tekstide analüüsil kui ka küsitlustel, teisalt esitavad väljakutseid erinevad keskkonnad ja uuritavad subjektid - laiust linnani, lillest luuletajani.

Seminarile on oodatud ettekanded keskkonna, subjektide ja kultuurinähtuste suhete uurimise metodoloogiate ning meetodite teemadel, nii küsimuste püstitamised kui lahendusvõimalused.

Osalemissoovist ja ettekande teemast palume kirjutada 12. novembriks aadressil tiit.remm@ut.ee

Seminar toimub 28.-29. novembril Tartu Loodusmajas, Lille 10. Töökeeleks on inglise keel.

Üritust korraldab Tartu Ülikooli semiootika osakond, baasfinantseeritava teadusteema "Eesti looduskultuuri keskkonnasemiootiline analüüs" raames.