Pauline Delahaye, Research Fellow at the Department of Semiotics, won the 2nd prize of the Young Researcher Award of Jane Goodall Institute France for her dedicated work in Zoosemiotics.
From 17 to 28 July 2023 we are hosting a Summer School as part of the ENLIGHT network. The Summer School takes the form of a Blended Intensive Programme. The application deadline is March 15.
September 4–7, 2023, workshop "Postphenomenology, Technoscience and Hermeneutics" by Robert Rosenberger. Preregistration until July 29. The workshop is free of charge.
Get to know the programme of the Conference and follow the plenary talks via Zoom if you cannot attend them on the spot at Estonian Naturalists’ Society’s building, Struve 2, Tartu, Estonia.
Under the leadership of Associate Professor of Semiotics Andreas Ventsel, strategic historical narratives and strategic communication in the context of the Ukraine conflict will be investigated.
We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations accompanied by a short bionote by March 20, 2023.
Send submissions to with ‘Proposal for Summer School’ as the subject.