Topic: teaching

Guest lecture by Prof Gobus Marais "Co-constructing the Vredefort dome? New materialism, biosemiotics, and epistemic translation"
Semiotics Department warmly invites you on Wednesday, 27 November, at 16:15 to Professor Gobus Marais's guest lecture, "Co-constructing the Vredefort dome? New materialism, biosemiotics, and epistemic translation". The lecture takes place at Jakobi 2-306. Professor Marais is from the Department of Linguistics and Language Practice at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. This lecture is part of the Jakob von Uexküll lecture series.
Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu
In the coming academic year, singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand will become the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, with a lecture course focusing on life-changing creation. She will be succeeded by Peeter Jalakas, former professor and director, who will participate in a public discussion titled “Feeling and meaning” in the attic hall of Tartu Cathedral on the evening of 23 May.
Public Lectures by Robert Rosenberger on Philosophy of Technology
September 4th-6th, Associate Professor Robert Rosenberger from the Georgia Institute of Technology will give three public lectures on philosophy of technology.
Workshop "Ethics of Vaccination" on June 30
In June 30, 2023 Workshop: Ethics of Vaccination takes place in the Department of Philosophy from 9:30AM to 11AM at Jakobi 2-336.
Centre for Semiotic Applications
Centre for Semiotic Applications at the Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics.
18. November 2022 research
Professor John Dupré's public lectures are now available online
Video recordings of the public lectures of the John Dupré workshop on the biology as process available online.
14. October 2022 teachingresearch
Chair of Theoretical Philosophy
The Chair of Theoretical Philosophy
Chair of Philosophy of Science
The Chair of Philosophy of Science
Chair of Practical Philosophy
The Chair of Practical Philosophy
Chair of Intellectual History
Chair of Intellectual History