See also department's newsfeed on Facebook.
Organised by Riin Sirkel and Margit Sutrop.
The 2025 colloquium is organised in cooperation between the Department of Philosophy, the Centre for Ethics, Susimetsa Philosophicum, and EXAI – Estonian Centre of Excellence in AI. EXAI is funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research grant No: TK213.
Sonja Schierbaum (University of Würzburg, philosophy)
"Accommodating the Whims of the Will? Crusius’s Conception of Will as a Rational Two-Way Power"
Nikhil Mahant (Uppsala University, Philosophy)
"Two dogmas of AI doomsayers"
Amber Griffioen (Duke Kunshan University, philosohpy)
"What Has Pregnancy to Do With Philosophy?"
Andra Siibak (University of Tartu, Institute of Social Sciences)
"Lapsed tehisaru(tus) maailmas" in Estonian
Laura Viidebaum (New York University, classics)
"Nõnda kõneles… Nietzsche sofistidest" in Estonian
Christos Kyriacou (University of Cyprus, philosophy)
"Epistemic Rationality and Reference Magnetism"
Dylan Bailey (University of South Florida, religion studies)
Nona Kiknadze (University of Miami, psychology)
"Rethinking Death and Suicide in a Life Worth Living: a Contextualist Approach"
Piotr Kozak (University of Białystok, Philosophy))
"Does Imagination Need Unification?"
Mari-Liis Madisson (University of Tartu, semiotics)
"Hirmudiskursuse ilmingud vandenõuteooria- ja 'uhhuu'-vastastes sotsiaalmeediapostitustes" in Estonian
Robert Ranisch (University of Potsdam, philosophy)
"Generative AI in Medicine is a Social Experiment"
Bengt Molander (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, philosophy)
"Knowing our ways about – with and without language"
May Thorseth (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, philosophy)
"Why AI and Surveillance Capitalism Is a Threat to Democracy?"
19 February Stefan Fischer (Konstanz) Moral obligations and normative reasons pluralism
4 March Ezio Di Nucci (Copenhagen) Ethics Sex rights are no fuckin' rights
18 March Alex Davies (Tartu) Context and interpreting regulations
01 April Antony Frederikson (Pardubice) Kinship and relationality as foundations for environmental emotions
15 April Oscar Talbot (University of Amsterdam) Abolition Ecology: Ecological critique of the prison industrial complex
29 April Uku Tooming (Tartu) Recent work in progress on desire
06 May Neil Sinhababu (National University of Singapore) Heidegger's argument for fascism
13 May Indrek Reiland (University of Vienna) Against the Gricean Program
02.10.2023 William Tuckwell (Charles Sturt University) - Standpoint Theory’s Methodological Imperatives
16.10.2023 Jaana Eigi-Watkin (Tartu) - How talking about background assumptions could improve science communication
30.10.2023 Francesco Orsi (Tartu) – Lovers of the good, trackers of the best
06.11.2023 Jay Zameska (ZOOM only) (Interdisciplinary Center for Ethics, Jagiellonian University) - Can contractualists complain about risk?
27.11.2023 Miles MacLeod (Twente University) - Improving interdisciplinary research through philosophical and cognitive analysis
04.12.2023 Roomet Jakapi (Tartu) - What's the use of the history of philosophy?
11.12.2023 Ezio Di Nucci (Copenhagen University) – Sex rights are no fucking rights
Spring semester 2024
The seminar takes place online. Abstracts are circulated through the philosophy list (
Contact person: Siobhan Kattago,
Everyone’s welcome to attend.
Website of the seminar:
Seminar on Facebook: