Programme of the Conference “Contemporary Umwelt Analysis: Applications for Culture and Ecological Relations” April 18-19, 2023
at Estonian Naturalists’ Society’s building, Struve 2, Tartu, Estonia
NB! The plenary talks can be also followed via ZOOM (see the information in the programme)
April 18th
8:30-9:00 registration + coffee
9:00-10:30 Animal cognition, minimal umwelten (moderator Nelly Mäekivi)
Siiri Tarrikas "Attentional Processes in the Umwelten of Animals"
Silver Rattasepp "The Ontological Primacy of Umwelt"
Oscar Castro "From Umwelten and Affordances to Ecosemiotic Cognition: Building Bridges of Meaning"
J. Augustus Bacigalupi "Beyond Reflex: Radical Creativity in the Novel Circles Populating Animal Umwelten"
10:30-11.00 coffee
11:00-12:00 plenary talk. Kalevi Kull "Um: Umwelt, Umweb, and Eco-Existential Semiotics" (moderator James Augustus Bacigalupi)
Can be also followed via ZOOM (GMT +3)
Meeting ID: 972 2634 9886, passcode: 046533
12:00-13:00 lunch (not covered)
13:00-14:30 Human-alloanimal interactions (moderator Riin Magnus)
Oleksii Popovych "Holding Through Together: Towards a Zoosemiotic and Actor-Network Understanding of Interspecific Sociality in Wartime Zoos"
Tatiana Kluvánková, Martin Špaček, Jiří Louda, Stanislava Brnkaláková, Julius Janáček, Tomáš Szabo, Dominik Horváth, Jan Macháč "Behavioural Approach to Understanding Human and Non-human Interactions"
Mikko Jokinen, Matti Salo "From an Admired Species to the Rat of the Skies: Changing Meanings of the Barnacle Goose and its Conservation Measurements"
Pauline Delahaye "Hybrid Semiosphere: Interspecies Cohabitation in the Urban Environment"
14:30-14:45 coffee
14:45-16:15 Umwelt in the study of culture texts (moderator Kadri Tüür)
Ene-Reet Soovik "’Umwelt’ and ’omailm’: Charting the Range of a Travelling Concept"
Alex Beatty "The Stone of Werder: Umwelt Analysis and Romantic Literary Theory in Jakob von Uexküll’s Late Novella"
Sara Bédard-Goulet "Contribution of Contemporary Literature to Umwelt Analysis"
Candace Goodrich "Bioinvasion in Cho Dharman’s Koogai - The Owl: An Ecosemiotic, Literary Analysis of the Noxious Colonizers Prosopis Juliflora and Acacia mellifera in Tamil Nadu, India"
16:15-16:45 coffee
16:45-17:45 plenary talk. Martín Ávila "Alter-Natives and Other Others" (moderator Nelly Mäekivi)
Can be also followed via ZOOM (GMT +3)
Meeting ID: 972 2634 9886, passcode: 046533
19:00 joint dinner
April 19th
8:30-9:00 coffee
9:00-10:30 Umwelt and nature protection (moderator Sara Bédard-Goulet)
Matthew Chrulew "From Umwelt Theory to Animal Cosmology"
Nelly Mäekivi, Riin Magnus "Umwelt analysis for species reintroduction"
Juha Hiedanpää "Umwelts in Institutional Design: The Case of Protecting the Teno Atlantic Salmon, Northern Finland"
Timo Maran "Umwelt Collapse: Loss of Umwelt-Ecosystem Integration"
10:30-11:00 coffee
11:00-12:00 plenary talk. Morten Tønnessen "A Comprehensive Framework for Studies of Changing Umwelten" (moderator Riin Magnus)
Can be also followed via ZOOM (GMT +3)
Meeting ID: 991 7283 2567, passcode: 039671
12:00-13:00 lunch (not covered)
13:00-14:30 The plurality of umwelten (moderator Silver Rattasepp)
Irmak Ugur Mertens "Co-habitation with Free-Ranging Domesticates: An Ecosemiotic Analysis of the Relations between Stray Animals and Humans in Istanbul"
Carlo Brentari "Reasoning by Marginal Analogy: The Alleged Poverty of Animal Experience"
Andrew Mark Creighton "Umwelt Theory and Critiquing Human Emotions"
Kadri Tüür "Umwelt Collision: When Bear and Human Meet"
14:30-14:45 break
14:45-15:45 plenary talk. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath "The Ecosemiotic Design of Nature-Based Solutions (moderator Timo Maran)
Can be also followed via ZOOM (GMT +3)
Meeting ID: 991 7283 2567, passcode: 039671
15:45-16:15 coffee
16:15-17:25 Ramifications of Umwelt theory (moderator Oscar Miyamoto)
Ott Puumeister "Dance without Organs: Memoria, Time-Image and Ecological Politics"
Thorolf van Walsum "The Imagined and the Magical: The Semiotics of Uexküll in Lacan"
Alec Kozicki "Umwelt in an Umwelt: Utilizing Semiotic Components for the Co-development of an Inhabitant and Their Techno-Living Space"
17:25-17:35 Closing of the conference. Timo Maran