Margot Must

The new issue of the journal Sign Systems Studies has been published

The issue 52(1/2) of Sign Systems Studies has been published. It contains articles on, starting from cell biology and diagrams to semiocide and the welfare of cats. 

Articles have been divided into three sections: 

1) Models, cognition and visualization (authors: Timothy Rogers, Edna Andrews et al., Amir Biglari & Marcel Danesi, Thierry Mortier); 

2) Lotman, past and future (Soo Hwan Kim, Artur Blaim & Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim); 

3) Biosemiotics and sociosemiotics, linked (Jana Tajchmanova & Nelly Mäekivi, Andrew Mark Creighton, Erfan Fatehi, Heidi Campana Piva). Finally, we have an interview with Patrick Sériot on the nature of language, conducted by Israel Chavez Barreto.

All the articles are accessible at the journal website.

Sign Systems Studies is an international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature. It publishes original scientific papers, review articles and book reviews on semiotics of culture and nature.


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