Topic: for student

Admission to the University of Tartu international master's programmes ends on Friday
The University of Tartu invites international students interested in English-taught curricula to submit their applications in DreamApply. Studies will start at the beginning of September 2024.
03. January 2024 for studentadmissions
Optional courses in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities provides a diverse range of optional courses, including options in English and various other languages.
20. December 2023 for studentstudies
Join our Master’s degree programmes in Tartu or Viljandi!
Have you considered continuing your studies here after you graduate from your home university? We invite you to discover what the Master’s programmes in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities have to offer.
Three Rectors’ Scholarship competition for the academic year 2023/2024 is now open
The competition for the scholarship established by the rectors of the University of Tartu, University of Latvia and Vilnius University has started again to promote the teaching and learning of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages and cultures.
01. November 2023 for studentcooperation
Call for Applicants: Oct 30, 2023 “The Semiotics of Political and Strategic Communication” Advanced Interactive Winter School
The Department of Semiotics and the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu invite graduate, post-graduate, and doctoral students to apply for the advanced winter school “The Semiotics of Political and Strategic Communication” by October 30, 2023.
12. September 2023 for studentstudiesinternational
Study abroad
Välisõpingud filosoofia bakalaureuseõppekaval
08. September 2023 for student
NordPhil 2023 – Nordic Philosophy Students Conference First Time in Estonia
NordPhil conference takes first time place at the University of Tartu on September 15th—16th. All interested people are welcome. Registration is open until September 10.
Institute's Welcome Party
We are pleased to invite all our students and staff to the Welcome Party on the 7th of September at 7 PM. The place is Club Gutenberg in Aparaaditehas, located at Kastani 42, door 7, floor 4.
Graduate Workshop: New perspectives on Language, Concepts, and Mind
Tartu-Uppsala teise ja kolmanda õppeastme töötuba: "Uued vaatenurgad keelele, mõistetele ja meelele" toimub 5.-6. juuli 2023 Zoomis.
04. July 2023 for studentcooperation
Workshop "Postphenomenology, Technoscience and Hermeneutics" Sept 4-7, 2023
September 4–7, 2023, workshop "Postphenomenology, Technoscience and Hermeneutics" by Robert Rosenberger. Preregistration until July 29. The workshop is free of charge.