Department of Philosophy
We are dedicated to teaching and advancing philosophy across all levels of study, conducting research, coordinating the translation of classical philosophical texts into Estonian, and promoting the relevance of philosophy to a broader audience. We are also proud to publish the international journal Studia Philosophica Estonica.
For students
Department of Semiotics
At the University of Tartu, we offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programmes in Semiotics and Cultural Studies. Our research focuses on cultural semiotics, semiotic theory, sociosemiotics, political semiotics, translation semiotics, ecosemiotics, and biosemiotics. Rooted in the traditions of Juri Lotman and Jakob von Uexküll, the Tartu School of Semiotics is internationally renowned as a leading hub for semiotic studies and research. Our department is also home to the Centre for Semiotic Applications, which aims to promote the research and methods of semiotic applications and their practical use in society.
About the Institute
Practice in the Philosophy curricula.
Most of the doctoral dissertations defended in the Department of Semiotics have been published in the series Dissertationes Semioticae Universitatis Tartuensis.
The mentoring programme will be held again this autumn semester, welcoming students, alumni and university staff to apply until 23 September.
Optional courses in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities autumn 2024 are now open for registration.
VIII NordPhil toimub 13.–14. septembril Tartus. Korraldajad kutsuvad kõiki Põhjamaade filosoofiatudengeid esitama konverentsile ettekandeid ja kaastöid. Laiendatud kokkuvõtte ja kaaskiri tuleb saata hiljemalt 30. juuniks.
Master thesis defenses in Philosophy in 2024 on June 10, Jakobi 2-336.
Master Thesis Defenses in Semiotics on May 27th 2024, at Jakobi 2-306 and 305. Defences can be followed also in Zoom.
In the coming academic year, singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand will become the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, with a lecture course focusing on life-changing creation. She will be succeeded by Peeter Jalakas, former professor and director, who will participate in a public discussion titled “Feeling and meaning” in the attic hall of Tartu Cathedral on the evening of 23 May.