Defended Doctoral Dissertations

Most of the doctoral dissertations defended in the Department of Semiotics have been published in the series Dissertationes Semioticae Universitatis Tartuensis.
Editors: Peeter Torop, Kalevi Kull
University of Tartu Press

volume 49, 2024 Andrew Mark Creighton „Wolves as Signs of McDonaldization in Northern Manitoba“. Supervisor: Nelly Mäekivi.

volume 48, 2024 Oscar Salvador Miyamoto Gómez, „The Forms of Memory: Biosemiotic Modelling of Alloanimal Episodic Semiosis“. Supervisors: Kalevi Kull ja Timo Maran.

Darja Arkhipova, 2024 „How Artificial Intelligence Recommendation Systems Impact Human Decision-Making“ („Kuidas tehisintellekti soovitussüsteemid mõjutavad inimeste otsuste tegemist”). Supervisors: Kalevi Kull, Talis Bachmann ja Massimo Leone, Torino University (Italy).

volume 47, 2024 Lauri Linask, „Autocommunication in the Semiotic Development of the Child“. Supervisor: Kalevi Kull.

volume 46, 2023 Auli Viidalepp, „The Expected AI as a sociocultural construct and its impact on the discourse on technology“. Supervisor: Timo Maran.

volume 45, 2023 Tuuli Pern, „Affective-imaginative modelling in semiotic context: A Vichian perspective“. Supervisor: Kalevi Kull.

volume 44, 2023 Merit Rickberg „Towards Complexity Thinking with Juri Lotman: Modelling Cultural Dynamics in Educational Systems“. Supervisors: Peeter Torop ja Silvi Salupere.

volume 43, 2023 Katarina Damčević Semiotics of hate speech and contested symbols: the „Za dom spremni“ Ustaša salute in contemporary Croatia“. Supervisors: Andreas Ventsel ja Mari-Liis Madisson.

volume 42, 2022 - Eugenio Israel Chávez Barreto, The Semiotic Theory of Luis Jorge Prieto“. Supervisor: Kalevi Kull.

volume 41, 2022 - Aleksandr Fadeev,Lev Vygotsky’s Approach in the Contemporary Semiotic Research of Learning, Meaning-Making and Inner Speech. Supervisor: Peeter Torop.

volume 40, 2022 - Kyle Jonathan Davidson, „Semiotic Modelling of Identity and Communication in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality“. Supervisors: Kalevi Kull ja Anti Randviir.

volume 39, 2022 - Jonathan Grant Griffin, „A Semiotic of Motives: Kenneth Burke and Deely-Tartu Semiotics“. Supervisors: Kalevi Kull ja Mihhail Lotman.

volume 38, 2021 - Mirko Cerrone, Interspecies Relationships: A Zoosemiotic Analysis of Human-Ape Communication.Supervisors: Timo Maran ja Nelly Mäekivi.

volume 37, 2021 - Tiina Hoffmann, La traduction cinématographique en Estonie soviétique : contextes, pratiques et acteurs“. Supervisors: Elin Sütiste ja Antonie Chalvin.

volume 36, 2021 - Jason Mario Dydynski Semiotic Modeling of Cuteness in Cartoon Characters/Mascots“. Supervisor: Timo Maran ja Nelly Mäekivi.

volume 35, 2021 - Tyler James Bennett, Detotalization and retroactivity: black pyramid semiotics. Supervisor: Kalevi Kull.

volume 34, 2020 - Alexandra Milyakina, Digitalization of Literary Education in the Context of Cultural Autocommunication. Supervisors: Peeter Torop, Maarja Ojamaa.

volume 33, 2020 - Tatjana Menise, Fairy tales in transmedia communication: fanfiction. Supervisor: Peeter Torop.

volume 32, 2019 - Lyudmyla Zaporozhtseva, Structural units of mass culture mythology: a cultural semiotic approach. Supervisor: Andreas Ventsel.

volume 31, 2018 - Ott Puumeister, On biopolitical subjectivity: Michel Foucaultʼs perspective on biopolitics and its semiotic aspects. Supervisors: Andreas Ventsel, Daniele Monticelli.

volume 30, 2018 - Silver Rattasepp, The human mirror: a critique of the philosophical discourse on animals from the position of multispecies semiotics. Supervisor: Timo Maran.

volume 29, 2018 - Nelly Mäekivi, The zoological garden as a hybrid environment – a (zoo)semiotic analysis. Supervisor: Timo Maran.

volume 28, 2018 - Remo Gramigna, Augustine and the study of signs and signification. Supervisor: Timo Maran.

volume 27, 2017 - Silvi Salupere. О метаязыке Юрия Лотмана: проблемы, контекст, источники. Supervisor: Irina Avramets.

volume 26, 2017 - Gleb Netchvolodov. Pictorially simplified images as machine vision design tool: semiotics approach. Supervisor: Peeter Torop.

volume 25, 2017 - Kadri Tüür. Semiotics of nature representations: on the example of nature writing. Supervisors: Kalevi Kull, Peeter Torop, Ulrike Plath.

volume 24, 2016 - Claudio Julio Rodríguez Higuera. The Place of Semantics in Biosemiotics: Conceptualization of a Minimal Model of Semiosic Capabilities. Supervisor: Kalevi Kull.

volume 23, 2016 - Mari-Liis Madisson. The Semiotic Construction of Identities in Hypermedia Environments: The Analysis of Online Communication of the Estonian Extreme Right. Supervisors: Andreas Ventsel, Indrek Ibrus.

volume 22, 2016 - Davide Weible. Exaptation: Towards a Semiotic Account of a Biological Phenomenon. Juhendaja: Kalevi Kull.

volume 21, 2015 - Riin Magnus. The Semiotic Grounds of Animal Assistance: Sign Use of Guide Dogs and Their Visually Impaired Handlers. Juhendaja: Kalevi Kull.

volume 20, 2015 - Tiit Remm. Sociocultural Space: Spatial Modelling and the Sociocultural World. Juhendaja: Anti Randviir.

volume 19, 2015 - Maarja Ojamaa. The transmedial aspect of cultural autocommunication. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop.

volume 18, 2014 - Vadim Verenitš. Semiotic models of legal argumentation. Juhendajad: Mihhail Lotman, Igor Gräzin.

volume 17, 2013 - Anu Sarv. Õppejõu enesereflektsioon ja professionaalne identiteet. Juhendajad: Ülle Pärli, Anu Karm.

volume 16, 2011 - Tonnessen, Morten. Umwelt transition and Uexküllian phenomenology. An ecosemiotic analysis of Norwegian wolf management. Juhendaja prof. Kalevi Kull.

volume 15, 2011 - Lindström, Kati. Delineating Landscape Semiotics: Towards the Semiotic Study of Landscape Processes. Juhendaja prof. Kalevi Kull.

volume 14, 2011 - Sõukand, Renata. Herbal landscape. Juhendaja prof. Kalevi Kull.

volume 13, 2009 - Ventsel, Andreas. Towards semiotic theory of hegemony. Juhendaja dots. Ülle Pärli.

volume 12, 2009 - Sütiste, Elin. Tõlke mõiste dünaamikast tõlketeaduses ja eesti tõlkeloos. Juhendaja: prof. Peeter Torop.

volume 11, 2008 - Monticelli, Daniele. Wholeness and its remainders: theoretical procedures of totalization and detotalization in semiotics, philosophy and politics. Juhendaja: Mihhail Lotman (inglise keeles).

volume 10, 2006 - Linnap, Peeter. Photology.Juhendaja: Jelena Grigorjeva. (Eesti keeles).

volume 9, 2006 - Luure, Andres. Duality and sextets: a new structure of categories. Juhendaja: Kalevi Kull. (Inglise keeles).

volume 8, 2005 - Rudakovskaja-Borissova, Eleonora. Semiotics of Food in the Works by Andrei Platonov. Juhendaja: Ülle Pärli. (Vene keeles).

volume 7, 2005 - Maran, Timo. Mimicri as a Communication Semiotic Phenomenon. Juhendaja: Kalevi Kull.

volume 6, 2004 - Randviir, Anti. Mapping the World: Towards a Sociosemiotic Approach to Culture. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop. (Inglise keeles.)

volume 5, 2003 - Levchenko, Jan. History and Fiction in V. Shklovsky's and B. Eikhenbaum's works in the 1920s. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop. (Vene keeles.)

volume 4, 2001 - Avramets, Irina. The Poetics of Dostoevsky's Novellas. Juhendaja: Juri Lotman. (Vene keeles.)

volume 3, 2000 - Mikita, Valdur. A Comparison of Creativity Treatments in Semiotics and Psychology. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop.

volume 2, 2000 - Grigorjeva, Elena. Emblem: Structure and Pragmatics. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop. (Vene keeles.)

volume 1, 2000 - Lotman, Mihhail. The Structure and Typology of Russian Verse.

Published doctoral dissertations outside the series:

Peet Lepik (2007) Universaalidest Juri Lotmani semiootika kontekstis. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop. (Eesti keeles, Inglise keeles.)

Anneli Mihkelev (2005) Vihjamise poeetika. Juhendaja: Ülle Pärli.

Boris Baljasnõi (2005) Semiotic Aspect of Translation and Applied Translation Studies. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop. (Vene keeles.)

Virve Sarapik (1999) Keel ja kunst. Juhendaja: Peeter Torop.

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