Summer University Course: The Semiotics of Pop Culture and Human and Other-Than-Human Relations

Summer university course
Tartu Ülikool

Application for UT International Summer University Course "The Semiotics of Pop Culture and Human and Other-Than-Human Relations" is open til 19th of June, 2022.

The course takes place on-site in Tartu, 1 - 12 August 2022.

This course will examine how the relationships and meanings associating human and other-than-humans are mediated, constructed, and perceived within pop culture. Other-than-humans – here referring to A.I., robots, machines, nonhuman animals, and environments and ecosystems – and their relationship to humans will be examined within the context of spectacles, transmediality, and participation culture, rationalisation, and various perspectives in semiotics, including zoo and ecosemiotics.

Students can expect to gain a general overview and working knowledge of different semiotic and culture study views on other-than-human relations and pop culture. Moreover, students will be able to identify key concepts and terms, and theoretical applications.

For more information and application requirements:

The Semiotics of Pop Culture and Human and Other-Than-Human Relations

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