MA theses defence in the Department of Semiotics

MA theses defence in the Department of Semiotics takes place on Friday, 30th of May, in the room 306 


10.00 Tatjana Pilipoveca "Russian Text of „The Snow Queen“ " (supervisor Silvi Salupere)

10.30   Fatemeh Mona Tavakoli "Cultural Specification in Translation: Study of „The Conference of the Birds“ " (supervisors Elin Sütiste, Peeter Torop)

11.00 Ville-Matti Aleksi Kataja "Signification-Switch in the Context of „The Passion of Joan of Arc“-Film " (supervisor Andreas Ventsel)

11.30 Katsiaryna Suryna "Biosemiotic Approaches to the Self" (supervisor Kalevi Kull)

12.15 Ekaterina Ermolaeva "Towards the Semiotics of Political Graffiti: The Example of Samara" (supervisor Anti Randviir)

12.45 Alina-Ruxandra Mircea "Dr. Beringer’s “Lügensteine” and the Dilemma of “Natural Hieroglyphs” in Eighteenth-Century Natural Philosophy and Visual Practices" (supervisors Timo Maran, Sabine Brauckmann)

13.15 Laura Kiiroja "The Zoosemiotics of Socialization: Case-Study in Socializing Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) in Tangen Animal Park, Norway" (supervisor Timo Maran)

13.45 Ele Viskus "Tants liikideülese nähtusena: zoosemiootiline perspektiiv" (supervisors Timo Maran, Katre Väli)

15.00 Kadri Kallast "Kultuuripärandi aasta kui kultuuribiograafiline tekst" (supervisor Ülle Pärli)

15.30 Helena Haller "Ajaloo vahendamine: dokumentaalfilmi semiootiliste vahendite analüüs (“Disko ja tuumasõda“ näitel)" (supervisor Katre Pärn)

16.00 Liina Sieberk "Raimond Valgre Eesti kultuurimälus lavastuse „Autori surm“ näitel" (supervisors Peeter Torop, Maarja Ojamaa)

All are welcome to attend!


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