International philosophy of science workshop "Responsible research: social, cultural and material aspects"

International philosophy of science workshop "Responsible research: social, cultural and material aspects" in the Department of Philosophy on September 10th 2015, in Jakobi 2, room 337 at 13:15.

In the European Union framework program Horizon 2020 responsible research and innovation is one of the central ideas and it means that the interests of the society should be taken into account more when doing research and developing new technologies. But what does it actually mean? Whose interests specifically should we take into account and how? How is this way of organizing research different from earlier attempts to make science socially relevant? What are the problems this approach is trying to solve?

In this workshop we will address these questions from the viewpoint of different diciplinces: philosophy of science, sociology, culture studies etc. The unifying common theoretical approach will be new-materialism, a position in philosophy and in humanities and social sciences. Many of the presenters are active in the COST network “New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on 'How Matter Comes to Matter’”.

List of presenters: Waltraud Ernst (University of Linz), Marja Vehvilainen (University of Tampere), Maris Sõrmus (Tallinn University), Emanuele Bardone (Univeristy of Tartu), Jaana Eigi and Endla Lõhkivi (University of Tartu).

Program and abstract book

For registration please send an e-mail to Endla Lõhkivi endla.lohkivi (at)

Workshop is supported by the personal research grant no 732 “Essentialism in the context of interdisciplinary research: a philosophical and cultural analysis of stereotypes in scientific communities"

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