14th Nordic Workshop in Early Modern Philosophy

Dravings of the early philosophers on red background
Ove Averin

The workshop takes place at the University of Tartu on 28–29 September 2024 at the university's main building Ülikooli str 18, rooms 128 and 232 and ZOOM. This year the keynote lectures will be given by Henrik Lagerlund (Stockholm University) and Eva Piirimäe (University of Tartu).

The purpose of the NWEMP is to foster collaboration between scholars and advanced students of early modern philosophy in the Nordic region. Launched in 2008 in Tartu, the Nordic Workshop in Early Modern Philosophy (NWEMP) is a series of workshops held annually, rotating among the philosophy departments in the Nordic region. The aim of the series is to further cooperation and dissemination of ideas among scholars of early modern philosophy in the region, including both high-level researchers and accomplished students. The original ambition of the series was described by the founders as being “cool and scholarly”.

Keynote lectures:

Henrik Lagerlund (Stockholm University): “Francisco Suárez on Free Will and doing Evil for the sake of Evil”;

Eva Piirimäe (University of Tartu): "The Politics of Metamorphosis versus Palingenesis in the German Enlightenment".

The presentations will be supplemented with book presentations by:

Francesco Orsi “The Guise of the Good”, 2023 and
Eva Piirimäe “Herder and Enlightenment Politics”, 2023.



There is also a possibility to listen to the workshop online:

NWEMP room 128 in Zoom (meeting ID: 986 1562 1467, passcode: 008636).

NWEMP room 232 in Zoom (meeting ID: 965 7069 7574; passcode: 514206).

Dravings of the early philosophers on red background

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