Workshop with John Dupré - "Biology as Process: Philosophical Background and Implications"

John Dupre

This week (18.03) ends the registration period for the workshop with John Dupré titled "Biology as Process: Philosophical Background and Implications". The workshop will take place in Tartu between 17th-21st of May, 2022.

The workshop concentrates on different fields of Philosophy of Biology from the perspective of seeing biological entities as dynamic processes, not static objects. The topics to be covered include: general metaphysics of evolution, processual view of organisms and kinds, the questions of taxonomic monism and pluralism, issues related to social constructivism, the relationship between values and science-making, the questions of reductionism, polygenic organisms, postgenomic Darwinism, contemporary genomics and definition of genes from processual perspective, causality and human nature in the social sciences, criticism of evolutionary psychology, etc. The workshop is of potential interest for the scholars of many disciplines as it opens up novel perspectives and implications that process-based biology has for several fields from arts and social sciences to natural sciences.

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