Chingiz Pasha cum laude A Philosophical Approach to CETI: Developing a Conceptual Framework Based on Umwelt Theory, supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewers Silver Rattasepp and Edit Talpsepp
Mykyta Kabrel cum laude How Does Psychotherapy Work? A Cognitive Neuroscience-Based Framework for Understanding Therapeutic Change, supervisors Jaan Aru and Bruno Mölder, reviewers Taavi Luik and Vivian Puusepp
Linda Helena Mattila cum laude Perceptual Stability in Olfactory Experiences, supervisors Simon Barker and Uku Tooming, reviewers Bruno Mölder and Vivian Puusepp
Yufeng Luo Collective Responsibility in the Anthropocene, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Juhan Hellerma and Francesco Orsi
Ezgi Mizrak The Ethical Design of Sex Robots, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewers Kadri Simm and Mats Volberg
Zhiyi Zhu The Arendtian Problem of New Beginnings: Beginnings and Foundations of Freedom in Revolution, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Andrey Gavrilin and Henri Otsing
Natasha Bailie cum laude The Charientic: a Neglected Normative Category, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewers Simon Barker and Jay Zameska
Mirt Kruusmaa cum laude Medicalization, Values and Patient Participation, supervisors Simon Barker and Jaana Eigi-Watkin, reviewers Edit Talpsepp and Jay Allen Zameska
Karl Lembit Laane cum laude Vabariikluse mõtteloo mõju Eesti Vabariigi loomise aruteludele, supervisor Pärtel Piirimäe, reviewers Liisi Veski and Jaanus Sooväli
Anastasiia Lazutkina cum laude Do Atemporal Theories of Quantum Gravity Presuppose the Notion of Time? A Critical Analysis of Henrik Zinkernagel’s Arguments against Quantum Fundamentalism, supervisors Ave Mets and Karin Kustassoo, reviewers Tomi Sebastian Koivisto and Edit Talpsepp
Michaela Hochbaumer I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore: On the Detrimental Nature of Living ’S-Places’ in Late Capitalist Urban Society, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Jaanus Sooväli and Andrey Gavrilin
Viktorija Kozlova The Concept of Recognition in Contemporary Social Philosophy: A Critical Perspective on the Connection between the Struggle for Recognition and Emancipation in Axel Honneth and Judith Butler, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Francesco Orsi and Pärtel Piirimäe
Anna-Liza Starkova Existential Roots of Anxiety in the Political, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Karin Kustassoo and Jaanus Sooväli
Mona Tärk Ihudevahelisus ja asendatavus. Derrida kriitika Merleau-Ponty intersubjektiivsuse käsitluse kohta, supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewers Karin Kustassoo and Juhan Hellerma
Anastasiia Yaryhina Uncovering Double Standards: A Critical Assessment of Radical Enactivism’s Treatment of Basic Minds and Departure from Relaxed Naturalism, supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewers Alexander Davies and Uku Tooming
Nada Abdalla Hassan Abdelazim Mohamed cum laude A Taxonomy of Testimonial Smothering, supervisor Simon Barker, reviewers Jaana Eigi-Watkin and Jimena Clavel Vázquez
Mani Rashtipour cum laude Law Statements and Generic Generalizations, supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewers Nikolai Shurakov and Uku Tooming
Bright Dua-Ansah Against the Guise of the Good, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewers James Pearson and Uku Tooming
Anurag Hooda Beyond Religious Pluralism and Exclusivism, supervisor Roomet Jakapi, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Waqar Ahsan Qureshi Why There Is No Free Will and Why Compatibilism and Its Notion of Free Will Is Wrong, supervisor Jimena Clavel Vázquez, reviewers Bruno Mölder and Francesco Orsi
Jared Brice Smith On How God Became Pocket-Sized: Digital Machination's Challenge to Active Nihilism, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Ave Mets and Jaanus Sooväli
Youssef Aguisoul cum laude On Final Value and States of Affairs, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Bruno Mölder
Ove Averin cum laude Denial of the Immaterial Substance in Early 18th Century Post-Lockean Thought: The Cases of Dr. Coward and Mr. Collins, supervisor Roomet Jakapi, reviewer Meelis Friedenthal
Gabriele Celli cum laude Metalinguistic Denial and Its Felicity Conditions, supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Lit Man Huang
Andrey Gavrilin cum laude Alienation and Resignation: Why Don’t We Act against Apocalyptic Futures?, supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewer Juhan Hellerma
Sophio Machavariani cum laude In Defense of Beliefs as Stably High Credences: How Stability Theory of Belief Avoids the Problem of Conviction Based on Purely Statistical Evidence, supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Patrick Shirreff
Monica Ashwini Narwani cum laude Social Construction, supervisor Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, reviewer Indrek Lõbus
Henri Otsing cum laude A Moral Ideal for International Law: Vattel on States and Territory, supervisor Pärtel Piirimäe, reviewer Roomet Jakapi
Anna Elise Rohtmets cum laude Is ’Fitness’ a Primitive or a Propensity? Diagnosing the Role of Explanatory Reductionism on Differing Standards of Scientific Definitions, supervisors Edit Talpsepp, Riin Kõiv, reviewer Silver Rattasepp
Piero Luis Orlando Suarez Caro cum laude Theory-Indexed Moral Contextualism, supervisor Patrick Shirreff, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Monika Joanna Bar Mystical Experiences and Mental Disorders: What Psychedelic Research on Depression and Anxiety Can Tell Us about the Nature of Mental Illness, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Simon Barker
Egle Erik A Response to the Practicality Issue in the Abolitionist Animal Rights Framework: A Scalar, Nonideal Approach in Animal Ethics, supervisor Heidy Meriste, reviewer Indrek Lõbus
Hesam Hosseinpour Artificial Intelligence and Agency, supervisor Ave Mets, reviewer Kadri Simm
Ravi Teja Macherla The Unknown Present, supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewer Simon Barker
Meenachi Naidu Relevance of Evolutionary Biology and Game Theory in Ethics, supervisor Kadri Simm, reviewer Mats Volberg
Olena Kushyna cum laude The Timeline of Mortality, supervisor Jaanus Sooväli, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Emmi Närvänen cum laude A Non-Moral Critique of the Norm of Assumed Objectivity, supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Patrick Shirreff
David Eduardo Torres Alvarez cum laude Playing with Monsters: Character Operators in Natural Language, supervisors Patrick Shirreff, Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, reviewer Indrek Lõbus
Jabrayil Fatullayev The Union of Opposites in Nietzsche’s and Jung’s View, supervisor Jaanus Sooväli, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Sariyya Abdullayeva Educating for Autonomy: Is It Just a Pipe Dream? supervisors Margit Sutrop ja Francesco Orsi, reviewer Kadri Simm
Nikolai Shurakov The Logic of Knowledge and Demonstratives, supervisors Patrick Shirreff, Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, reviewer Alexander Davies
Jose Cañete Correas cum laude, "Saying Beyond Phenomenology: Levinas's Response to Derrida", supervisor Jaanus Sooväli, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Amirhossein Kiani cum laude, "Perception, Abductive Methodology and Compositional Universalism", supervisor Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, reviewer Eve Kitsik
Ching Hei Yau cum laude, "A Classical Degree-Theoretic Treatment of the Sorites Paradox", supervisors Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, Bryan Frances, reviewer Alexander Stewart Davies
Jay Allen Zameska cum laude, "Valuing Health: Against the Ethical View", supervisor Kadri Simm, reviewer Mats Volberg
Saviour De-Graft Ametefio, "Against Epistemic Partiality in Friendship", supervisor Alexander Stewart Davies, reviewer Patrick Shirreff
Viktoriia Iugai, "The Discrepancy between Free Will and Moral Responsibility", supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewer Uku Tooming
Arunkumar Rajavel, "On the Implausibility of Slow-Switching Arguments in Establishing Incompatibility Thesis", supervisors Bryan Frances, Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, reviewer Uku Tooming
Roland Schimanski, "Open Future in Eternalist Universe", supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewer Bryan Frances
Wael Wehbe, "A Comparative Approach to Tax Exemption: Differences Between Hospitals and Religious Institutions", supervisor Mats Volberg, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Ayesha Rehman cum laude "Against the Narrative Self", supervisors Vivian Puusepp and Siobhan Kattago, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Sergei Sazonov cum laude "On Separation of State from Taxes ", supervisors Mats Volberg and Helen Eenmaa-Dimitrieva, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Pille Tekku cum laude "Filosoofiliste teoste tõlked eesti keelde ja nende retseptsioon 1944. aastani", supervisor Ülo Matjus, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Kyle Nathaneal York cum laude "A Defense of the Existence of Emotions in Birds", supervisors Vivian Puusepp and Francesco Orsi, reviewer Bruno Mölder
Anastasiia Babash "Feminist Perspectives on Cybersex", supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Kadri Simm
Maksim Grigorev "Reversible and Irreversible Whorfian Effects as Empirical Evidence for the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis", supervisors Bruno Mölder and Alexander Davies, reviewer Uku Tooming
Märt Hallasoo "Neoliberalism majanduseliidi võimu kindlustava ideoloogiana", supervisor Mats Volberg, reviewer Helen Eenmaa-Dimitrieva
Patrick Joseph Keenan "Can Computers be Creative?", supervisor Eve Kitsik, reviewer Bruno Mölder
Aurimas Mikšys "Euthanasia as a Way of Experiencing a Good Death", supervisor Kadri Simm, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Viktoriia Rozumna "Does an Argument for a Detached School Contain an Incoherence?", supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Mats Volberg
Mert Salkım "Contrastive Evaluation of Explanations in Studies of Scientific Knowledge", supervisor Endla Lõhkivi, reviewer Jaana Eigi
Luis Roberto Vera Cariño "Philosophical Alternatives to Populism", supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewer Mats Volberg
Pablo Miguel Veyrat Cendoya "Two Problems Surrounding the Universality of Human Rights" supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewer Karel Pajus
Triinu Eesmaa cum laude "Demonstratives and the Audience-Control Theory", supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Uku Tooming
Alena Kamenshchikova cum laude "Re-Configuring the Concept of Vulnerability: Inclusion of Refugees in Biomedical Research", supervisor Kadri Simm, reviewer Margit Sutrop
Bastiaan Meinders cum laude "Unconditional Basic Income and the Epistemic Problem of Happiness", supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Mats Volberg
Susan Notess cum laude "What Does It Mean to Listen to Someone? Listening as an Act of Hospitality", supervisors Siobhan Kattago, Tiina Kirss, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Merily Salura cum laude "Countering Destruction with Spontaneity, Redescription, and Playfulness: A Philosophical Reading of Kross", supervisors Siobhan Kattago, Tiina Kirss, reviewer Kadri Simm
Tamaz Tokhadze cum laude "Does Conciliationism Carry a Problematic Commitment to Uniqueness?", supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Eve Kitsik
Semyon Reshenin cum laude "Kant on Manipulation and Personal Autonomy", supervisor Eva Piirimäe, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Jeffrey Gardner "The Human Prejudice and the Problem of Sustainability", supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Mats Volberg
Tarun Gidwani "Indexicals and the Character Shifting Theory", supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Uku Tooming
Lit Man Huang "On Personal Identity: the Epistemic Problem, Personal Pronoun Revisionism, and De Se Attitudes", supervisor Daniel Cohnitz, reviewer Bruno Mölder
Mariann Järvela "Kas tippsportlastel on rohkem põhjust moraalne olla kui tavainimestel?", supervisor Heidy Meriste, reviewer Karel Pajus
Alvin Lim "Politics of Imagination", supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Kyle Martin "Redefining the War on Terror", supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewer Tiina Kirss
Eveli Neemre "Animal Research and Objectivity", supervisor Endla Lõhkivi, reviewer Jaana Eigi
Andrés Calderón Ramos "Denial of Coevalness as an Epistemic Injustice", supervisor Tiina Kirss, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Raul Veede "George Berkeley traktaadis “De motu” esitatud kriitikast Isaac Newtoni gravitatsioonikontseptsiooni suhtes", supervisors Roomet Jakapi and Enn Kasak, reviewer Endla Lõhkivi
Yangsen Yu "Defending Conditional Analysis of the Ability to Do Otherwise", supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewer Eve Kitsik
Indrek Lõbus cum laude “In Defence of Logical Omniscience“, supervisors Daniel Cohnitz and Luis Estrada Gonzalez, reviewer Alexander Davies
Marika Proover cum laude „The Non-Identity Problem: Accounting for Future People and Animals“, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Karel Pajus
Merike Reiljan cum laude “From Defining Empathy to Mapping Empathy“, supervisors Bruno Mölder and Vivian Bohl, reviewer Uku Tooming
Ada Tamme cum laude “Teadmine, moraal ja religioon Michel de Montaigne'i essees Apoloogia Raimond Sebond'ile“, supervisor Roomet Jakapi, reviewer Anne-Mai Helemäe
William Tuckwell cum laude “Sexual Deception and Sexual Consent: A Reply to Tom Doherty“, supervisor Alexander Davies, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Beka Jalagania “Moral and Legal Status of Animals: Why Animals Should Have Legal Rights”, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Mats Volberg
Iuliia Krisheminska „The Problem of Dirty Hands in Transitional Justice“, supervisor Kadri Simm, reviewer Siobhan Kattago
Iaroslav Petik “Psychologism and Neopsychologism in Philosophy of Logic“, supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewer Uku Tooming
Rao Pärnpuu “Ontology Identification Problem in Computational Agents“, supervisor Daniel Cohnitz, reviewer Alexander Davies
Kertu Rajando “Erapooletu vaatleja empaatia keskne roll moraalis”, supervisor Margit Sutrop, reviewer Vivian Bohl
Sander Vaus “Cognitive Penetrability of Perception in Predictive Brains“, supervisor Daniel Cohnitz, reviewer Vivian Bohl
Heidy Meriste cum laude “Can Contempt Serve as a Morally Appropriate Form of Self-Defense against the Damage Wrought by Superbia? A Critical Analysis of Macalester Bell's Account of Contempt”, supervisor Margit Sutrop, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Jakob Laulik “Richard Rorty ja Hans-Georg Gadamer: järjepidevus või katkestus?“, supervisor Andrus Tool, reviewer Toomas Lott
Kairit Šor “Teaduse kvaliteedi hindamine: filosoofiline vaatenurk”, supervisors Endla Lõhkivi, Ave Mets, reviewer Jaana Eigi
Madli Ross cum laude "Susan Wolf on Moral Perfection and the Good Life: A Critical Analysis", supervisor Margit Sutrop, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Henri Zeigo "Testing Intuitions about Reference: What conclusions should be drawn from the experimental data?", supervisor Daniel Cohnitz, reviewer Uku Tooming
Juhan Hellerma cum laude „Imestuse küsimus Edmund Husserli fenomenoloogias“, supervisors Ülo Matjus and Philippe Merz, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Eva-Maria Maiste „Differance’i avanemisest teises Jacques Derrida filosoofias“, supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewer Neeme Lopp
Jana Tamm “Martha Nussbaumi eetiline kosmopolitism - naiivne illusioon või kaasaegne ideaal?”, supervisor Eva Piirimäe, reviewer Kadri Simm
Jaan Elken cum laude "An Evaluation of Theories of Reference in the Context of Disagreements in the History of Science", supervisor Daniel Cohnitz, reviewer Taavi Laanpere
Eve Kitsik cum laude "Naïve Functional Explanations of Ideologies in Marxism: Responses to the Criticism", supervisor Paul McLaughlin, reviewer Francesco Orsi
Margus Elings "Ethical Transparency and Antitheory: An Analysis of Bernard Williams's Critique of Ethical Theory“, supervisor Francesco Orsi, reviewer Paul McLaughlin
Riin Kõiv "Naturalism kui idealismi eitus - Ludwig Feuerbachi "tuleviku filosoofia" programm", supervisors Eduard Parhomenko and Jüri Lipping, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Karel Pajus "The Problem of Humean Skepticism in Immanuel Kant’s Moral Theory", supervisors Eduard Parhomenko and Mikael M. Karlsson, reviewer Helen Haav
Priit Põhjala "The Possibility of Collective Responsibility", supervisor Paul McLaughlin, reviewer Külli Keerus
Taavi Laanpere cum laude „Status of Subpersonal Representation in Dennett’s Philosophy of Mind”, supervisor Bruno Mölder, reviewer Daniel Cohnitz
Katrin Parbus cum laude “Tõlkimine kui pääs mittemetafüüsilisse mõtlemisse Heideggeril ja Derridal”, supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Laura Kalda "Rahvusliku kuuluvuse ning vabaduse väärtuste ühilduvus Isaiah Berlini poliitilises teoorias", supervisor Eva Piirimäe, reviewer Liisi Keedus
Helen Haav cum laude „Jean-François Lyotard’i tõlgitsus Immanuel Kanti üleva-teooriast subjekti ühtsuse problemaatika kontekstis”, supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewer Leo Luks
Mats Volberg cum laude “Religious Reasons as a Basis for Political Justification?”, supervisor Paul McLaughlin, reviewer Kadri Simm
Hanna-Liisa Ennet „Tervis ja haigus mittefüsiologistlikus holistlikus mõistevõrgus”, supervisor Valdar Parve, reviewer Andres Soosaar
Eneli Kindsiko „Terrorismi moraalne staatus: kas teo moraalne väärus tingib selle õigustamatuse?”, supervisors Roomet Jakapi and Maria Mälksoo, reviewer Marek Järvik
Jaana Eigi cum laude “Ühiskonna ettekujutused “heast teadusest” (Rind-Tromovitch-Bausermani artikli juhtumi analüüsi näitel)” supervisor Endla Lõhkivi, reviewer Tiiu Hallap
Priit Pärnapuu „Järeldamine ja tähendus”, supervisor Jaan Kivistik, reviewer Jaan Kangilaski
Henrik Sova “Probleemid põhjusliku suuna määramisega transtsendentsete relatum’ite vahel”, supervisor Piret Kuusk, reviewer Bruno Mölder
Kristel Toom „Dworkin and Cohen on Distributive Justice”, supervisor Paul McLaughlin, reviewer Kadri Simm
Karin Kustassoo cum laude „Søren Kierkegaard Martin Heideggeri varajases loengukursuses Augustinus ja neoplatonism“ supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewer Jaanus Sooväli
Janar Mihkelsaar cum laude „Agambeni teos Homo sacer ja selle kriitika Heideggeri mõtlemise horisondilt“, supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewer Toomas Lott
Indrek Reiland cum laude „The Relevance of Moral Absolutism and the Consequences of an Error Theory“, supervisors Daniel Cohnitz and Margit Sutrop, reviewer Bruno Mölder
Roope Rotko cum laude „Kommunitaristliku solidaarsuse argumendid John Rawlsi õigluseteooria vastu Michael Sandeli näitel “, supervisor Kadri Simm, reviewer Marek Järvik
Jaanus Sooväli cum laude „Otsuse hullumeelne silmapilk: Kierkegaard ‑ Derrida“, supervisor Eduard Parhomenko, reviewer Märt Põder
Anne-Mai Helemäe „Rahvuskarakteri temaatika Johann Gottfried Herderi filosoofilises antropoloogias“, supervisor Andrus Tool, reviewer Eduard Parhomenko
Anne Kokkov „Kunstiteose olemise seosest selle struktuuriga Roman Ingardeni järgi“, supervisor Ülo Matjus, reviewer Eduard Parhomenko