University continues teaching face-to-face; exams may take place in classrooms


In 2022, teaching and studies continue according to the principles agreed upon at the beginning of the academic year.

  • The university continues teaching face-to-face. Exams and pass/fail evaluations may take place in classrooms.
  • Block-mode study returns to face-to-face teaching.
  • In face-to-face classes, public rooms and meetings, a safe distance must be ensured, and everybody must wear masks.
  • Continuing education learners must prove their infection safety according to the government order: by presenting the certificate of vaccination against or recovery from Covid-19.
  • To prevent the spread of the virus, the head of institute/college may decide to switch to distance learning at the unit or for a particular curriculum.
  • Unnecessary contacts must be minimised. We advise cancelling or postponing larger events.
  • Staff and students with viral symptoms must stay home regardless of their vaccination status.

University’s recommendations and guidelines for coronavirus prevention:

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