Topic: studies

Estonian learning opportunities for international staff (incl. doctoral students)
Numerous opportunities at the university to practice and improve Estonian.  
09. May 2023 studies
Bachelor’s Degree Graduation Ceremony
Bachelor’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Monday, 20 June at 13 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).
17. March 2023 studiesuniversity
Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony
Master’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Thursday, 16 June at 13 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).
17. March 2023 studiesuniversity
Apply for Semiotics MA and Philosophy MA until 15 March
Find out about our international master's programmes in Semiotics and in Philosophy and how to apply in DreamApply.
MA Thesis Defense in Philosophy
Anna-Liza Starkova defends her MA thesis "Existential Roots of Anxiety in the Political".
18. January 2023 studies
University of Tartu invites students and alumni to mentoring programme
The programme aims to bring together active students and successful alumni to provide an opportunity for mutually beneficial collaboration and strengthen the university's sense of community.
12. January 2023 studiesalumni
Annual student conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (HUMA)
The annual student conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (HUMA) will take place from 24 to 25 November 2022 in the University of Tartu Library.
17. November 2022 studiesresearch
ReproducibiliTea journal club
. ReproTea is a journal club started at the Oxford University in 2018. The goal is to discuss diverse issues, papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.
02. November 2022 studiesresearch
Graduate School of Humanities (HUMA) Autumn School
Kutsume Sind osalema Humanitaarteaduste magistrikooli (HUMA) sügiskoolis - tudengikonverentsil, mis toimub 24.-25. novembril 2022 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus.
06. October 2022 studies
Colloquia, seminars, reading groups
More or less regular colloquia, seminars, reading groups at the philosophy department. Everyone is welcome to attend.
13. September 2022 studies