Tartu Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, December 14th-15th

Tartu Workshop in Ancient Philosophy
University of Tartu
December 14th-15th 2018
Jakobi 2-336, Tartu, Estonia

The Department of Philosophy is holding the first Tartu Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Dec. 14th-15th). According to the organizers of the workshop, Toomas Lott (Tartu) and Riin Sirkel (Vermont), the event has a dual purpose. On the one hand, the workshop aims to promote the study of Ancient Philosophy in Tartu and in the Baltic States more generally. Although, in the global context, research in Ancient Philosophy has blossomed in recent decades, wider academic audiences in Estonia tend to be unaware of this. The second goal of the workshop is to bring together scholars who work on Ancient Philosophy in the Baltic Sea region. There are many scholars working in diverse fields of Ancient Philosophy but up to now, the academic contacts between these scholars have been few and far between.

The organizers intend this workshop to be the first instalment of a recurring annual event that contributes to making the research in Ancient Philosophy a natural part of the academic life of the University of Tartu.

Workshop schedule

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 659241