Tartu Graduate Conference in Social Epistemology

On the 26th and 27th March 2016 the University of Tartu will host a graduate conference on topics that fall within the field of social epistemology. Excitingly, Professor Kristie Dotson from Michigan State University will be joining us as the keynote speaker for the conference.

Epistemology – the study of knowledge and justified belief – has traditionally taken a highly individualistic approach. Some have thought that this approach leads to a distorted view of the human epistemic situation. In order to correct for such imbalances some philosophers have embraced the idea of approaching epistemological concerns from a social perspective. Social epistemology refers to a wide-ranging set of approaches to the study of knowledge which construes human knowledge as having an important and weighty social dimension. Social epistemology studies the significance of social interaction in understanding the character and value of knowledge.

Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.

Conference schedule

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