
Summer University Course: Love and Sex in Digital World: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology

Application for UT International Summer University Course "Love and Sex in Digital World: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology" is open til 19th of June, 2022.

The course takes place on-site in Tartu, 1 - 7 August 2022.

Digital technologies have tremendously transformed all spheres of our life, including romantic and sexual relationships. This course is an attempt to analyse all those changes from philosophical, ethical, and theological perspectives.

It will discuss a variety of topics from the ethics of dating apps and online infidelity to cybersex and future relationships with robots. Philosophy, ethics, and theology have a long  history of discussing love and sex, and this course will provide a fresh look at existing discussions by adding recent technological influences to them. Moreover, this course will try to show how contemporary humanities could contribute to the development of technologies to make them more ethical.

For more information and application requirements:

Love and Sex in Digital World: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology


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