Elective courses Spring 2016

FLFI.00.102 Critical Thinking (3 ECTS)
Faculty: Mats Volberg

FLFI.02.117 Social and Ethical Aspects of Engineering (4 ECTS)
Faculty: Mats Volberg, Margit Sutrop, Ave Mets, Edit Talpsepp, Francesco Orsi

FLFI.02.143 History of Political Thought (6 ECTS)
Faculty: Siobhan Ann Kattago

FLFI.02.144 David Hume's Practical Philosophy (3 ECTS)
Faculty: Francesco Orsi

FLFI.03.036 Introduction to Philosophy of Language (3 ECTS)
Faculty: Uku Tooming

FLFI.04.013 Introduction to Epistemology (3 ECTS)
Faculty: Alexander Stewart Davies

FLFI.04.048 Introduction to Epistemology II (3 ECTS)
Faculty: Alexander Stewart Davies

FLFI.04.054 Formal Semantics (6 ECTS)

FLFI.05.008 Postcolonialism (3 ECTS)
Faculty: Tiina Ann Kirss