Triin Paaver

East European Network for Philosophy of Science 4th Conference

The fourth conference of EENPS will take place in Tartu on 17–19 August.

The EENPS conference was initiated as a biannual event. However, the COVID pandemic caused the postponement of the third conference for one year. Eventually, it was held last year as an online event. Still, it was decided that the fourth conference has to take place in 2022 as it was initially planned. The format of the conference is hybrid.

The keynote talks will be given by three outstanding philosophers: Helen Longino, Tarja Knuuttila, and Lukáš Bielik.

The topics of the conference range from philosophy of mathematics and logic to cognitive sciences. The problems of metaphysics, epistemology, and phenomenology of science will be addressed. The issues of science and society play an important role. The views of Rein Vihalemm, the leading Estonian philosopher of science, will be discussed.


All times in the programme are local Estonian times (GMT +3), i.e. when it is 9:30 in Tartu, it is 8:30 in Berlin and 7:30 In London. 

The program is subject to change. 

The links for the Zoom conference were sent to the presenters and other registered participants by mail. If you did not receive the mail with the links, please write to Jaana Eigi-Watkin ( as soon as possible.


Everyone is welcome to keynote presentations.

Keynote speakers:

  •  Helen E. Longino, C.I. Lewis Professor, emerita (Stanford University)
  •  Tarja Tellervo Knuuttila (University of Vienna)
  •  Lukáš Bielik (Comenius University Bratislava)





The East European Network for Philosophy of Science (EENPS) is a network of philosophers of science and researchers from related disciplines educated, affiliated, or working at the academic institutions in the broadly understood region of the East Europe. We define 'Eastern Europe' flexibly and the network is open to all, regardless of their current country of residence or country of origin.

EENPS organizes joint research seminars and talks with invited researchers, discussion groups, and other coordinated activities such as pre-submission peer-review, a yearly calendar of visits, seminars and talks, network meetings.

Early career researchers and female researchers are well represented among the speakers. There is a session dedicated to exchange of news and the like. Graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.

We promote and represent the Network in international events, e.g. East-South-Central European panel at EPSA, ISHPSSB or PSA meetings.

We distribute calls for papers, communicate and in general aim to raise the quality and visibility of the publications in the region.

We prepare a special issue or a book series with one of the recognized publishers (EJPS, Springer, etc). For instance, our members edited special issues of Organon F and Filozofia nauki with contributions from our conferences.

We also foster publishing in other high ranked journals and publishing houses as well. 

We also apply for national and international funding in order to support the Network's activities.

We invite submissions of contributed papers and symposia proposals related to any of the following areas:

a) General Philosophy of Science
b) Philosophy of Natural Science
c) Philosophy of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences
d) Philosophy of Social Sciences
e) History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
f) Formal Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Mathematics

Call for contributed papers
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (500-1000 words) + short abstracts (up to 100 words) as a .pdf file prepared for blind review through EasyChair. The abstracts should be headed by the title of the corresponding section (a – f), the title of the paper, and 3 to 5 keywords. Please also select the corresponding section as a topic in EasyChair submission form.

Call for symposia
Groups of authors are invited to submit proposals for symposia on any of the topics related to areas a) – f) in a pdf file through EasyChair. Please use the same submission site as for regular submissions and select 'Symposium' as the topic in the submission form.
The proposal should be sent in one comprehensive document and it should conform to the following structure:

  • the title of the corresponding section
  • the symposium’s title
  • a complete list of names of the symposium’s participants with their contact details
  • a general description of the topic and its actual significance for the philosophy of science broadly conceived (up to 1000 words) - the abstracts of the symposium’s contributions (up to 300 words each)
  • short CVs (up to 1 page) of the symposium’s participants.


  • 31 March 2022 – deadline for submissions (contributed papers and symposia)
  • 31 May 2022 – notification of acceptance
  • 31 July 2022 – deadline for registration (to be confirmed)
  • 17-19 August 2022 – conference (hybrid)
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