Department of Philosophy Faculty Presentations and Visits in September

Ave Mets is teaching a course in University of Akureyri in Iceland. The name of the course is "Seminar in Modern Studies". The visit is being funded by the Nordplus program. Also she will be presenting in the European Philosophy of Science Association 2015 conference EPSA15 taking place in Düsseldorf on 23th -26th September. The title of her talk is "Measurement theory from the point of view of practical realism: On the example of the periodic table of chemical elements".

Kadri Simm will be in University of Birmingham from September 7th to 11th where she will be co-teaching a summer school titled "Disaster bioethics summers school and DMS Ethics Symposium".

Endla Lõhkivi reviewed on September 5th a PhD thesis by Saana Jukola at University of Jyväskylä titled "On the conditions for objectivity: How to avoid bias in socially relevant research". For more info see University of Jyväskylä website.