
Challenges of interdisciplinary research from the perspective of philosophy of science - workshop

The research group in Philosophy of Science invites you to the hybrid workshop from 4 to 5 October 2023 at Jakobi 2, Tartu and Zoom, where the theoretical problems of interdisciplinarity studies are in focus. In addition to the members of our research group, several foreign guests have been invited to speak, among them Uskali Mäki from the University of Helsinki and Nancy J. Nersessian from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Harvard University.

1) how interdisciplinarity works in the case of philosophy, that is, how we make use of the empirical findings, what justifies the use of empirical data;

2) theoretical problems in the studies of interdisciplinary research – issues related to imperialism, epistemic trust, dependence, communication problems, identities, quality assessment, transdisciplinarity, extra-academic knowledge systems;

3) methods of empirical work.

Invited speakers

Invited speakers

Uskali Mäki, University of Helsinki. 
Photo from a private collection.

Nancy J. Nersessian, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard University. 
Photo from

Nora Hangel, Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS), University of Hannover. 
Photo from a private collection.

Magdalena Malecka, University of Aarhus, University of Helsinki.
Photo from

Nikolai Šurakov, University of Tartu, EXTRA group (Experimental Philosophy and the Method of Cases: Theoretical Foundations, Responses, and Alternatives), Ruhr University Bochum. 
Photo from a private collection.

Preliminary timetable

4 October

Room 336 at Jakobi 2 (Tartu) and Zoom




Welcome and opening


Uskali Mäki ”Imperialistic asymmetries in interdisciplinarity”



Katrin Velbaum "How empirical data becomes philosophical analysis. Using qualitative interviews to study academic and research culture"



Peeter Müürsepp, “Natural Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity”


Juho Lindholm "The Interdisciplinarity of the philosophy of technics” in Zoom


Ave Mets „The periodic system of chemical elements: theoretical basis and/versus pragmatism”



Nancy Nersessian “Challenges of Methodological Innovation in Interdisciplinary Science” in Zoom

5 October

Room 306 at Jakobi 2 (Tartu) and Zoom


Nora Hangel „Normative social epistemology naturalized”



Magdalena Malecka, “Integrating history of economic thought, STS, and philosophy of economics. The case of modern economics and the computer technology” in Zoom


Nikolai Šurakov, “Exploring Interdisciplinary: Case Of Experimental Philosophy” in Zoom



Eveli Neemre "Helpful Anecdotes – How Anecdotal Evidence Can Help Animal Research"


Jaana Eigi “If we are colligating, then what exactly are we doing?


Endla Lõhkivi „Nine years in the field: what have we qua philosophers learned in the study of ID research practices?“


Discussion and summary

All times in the programme are Eastern European Time (EET) which is 3 hours ahead of UTC.


Please register HERE by 13:00 on 3 October. Zoom link will be sent via email.

The workshop is part of the research project "Philosophical analysis of interdisciplinary research practices" and supported by the Estonian Research Council (Grant no. 462) and the University of Tartu Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

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