Institute's MA Thesis Defences in 2023

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Andero Kalju

The MA defenses in Semiotics took place on May 29.
The MA defenses in Philosophy took place on May 31 and June 1 and will take place on June 28 2023.

MA Thesis Defence in Philosophy on June 28, 2023 in Zoom

Mirt Kruusmaa
Medicalization, Values and Patient Participation
Supervisors: Simon Barker and Jaana Eigi-Watkin, reviewers: Edit Talpsepp and Jay Zameska

Join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 982 7434 4910, Passcode: 866124).

MA Thesis Defences in Semiotics on May 29

Naira Baghdasaryan
Communicating Environmental Issues on British Mainstream Party Platforms
Supervisor: Andreas Ventsel; reviewer: Ott Puumeister

William Elwood Derrah IV
Text in Terms of Context
Supervisor: Katre Pärn; reviewer: Aleksandr Fadeev

Qin Shu
The Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis of LGBTQ+ Representation in Chinese Culture: Exemplified by Word of Honor
Supervisors: Alexandra Milyakina, Eleni Alexandri; reviewer: Hongjin Song

Astra Rihma
Üksildus Eesti üliõpilaste seas: semiootilised mehhanismid ja toimetuleku võtted
Supervisor: Nelly Mäekivi; reviewer: Merle Purre

Krista Tomson
Romaani “Tõde ja õigus” tegelaste lugejakeskne analüüs
Supervisors: Peeter Torop, Aleksandr Fadeev; reviewer: Maarja Ojamaa

Ekaterina Khomutova
Sergei Eisenstein’s revolutionary trilogy through the perspective of Semiotic Studies: intertextual and intermedial aspects
Supervisor: Peeter Torop; reviewer: Alexandra Milyakina

Heidi Campana Piva
Semiotic Approaches to Understanding Anti-Scientific Conspiratorial Discourse on Social Media
Supervisor: Ott Puumeister; reviewer: Mari-Liis Madisson

Anastasiia Bondarenko
A Theosemiotic Reading of Hryhorii Skovoroda
Supervisors: Silvi Salupere, Thomas-Andreas Põder; reviewer: Mihhail Lotman

Nicholas Christian Hemann
Sinnlichkeit and Planmäßigkeit: Jakob von Uexküll’s Kantian Biology
Supervisor: Kalevi Kull; reviewer: James Bacigalupi

MA Thesis Defences in Philosophy on May 31

Karl Lembit Laane
Vabariikluse mõtteloo mõju Eesti Vabariigi loomise aruteludele
Supervisor: Pärtel Piirimäe; reviewers: Liisi Veski, Jaanus Sooväli

Mona Tärk
Ihudevahelisus ja asendatavus. Derrida kriitika Merleau-Ponty intersubjektiivsuse käsitluse kohta
Supervisor: Eduard Parhomenko; reviewers: Karin Kustassoo, Juhan Hellerma

Michaela Hochbaumer
I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore: On the Detrimental Nature of Living ’S-Places’ in Late Capitalist Urban Society
Supervisor: Siobhan Kattago; reviewers: Jaanus Sooväli, Andrey Gavrilin

MA Thesis Defences in Philosophy on June 1

Anastasiia Yaryhina
Uncovering Double Standards: A Critical Assessment of Radical Enactivism’s Treatment of Basic Minds and Departure from Relaxed Naturalism
Supervisor: Bruno Mölder; reviewers: Alexander Davies, Uku Tooming

Natasha Bailie
The Charientic: a Neglected Normative Category
Supervisor: Francesco Orsi; reviewers: Simon Barker, Jay Zameska

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