Triin Paaver

XVII Annual Estonian Philosophy Conference takes place on 25-26 August 2022 in Käsmu

The Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University, is calling for abstracts for the XVII Annual Estonian Philosophy Conference on 25-26 August 2022 in Käsmu, a picturesque coastal village, Estonia.

The invited keynote speakers are Mikhail Minakov (Ukraine) with a talk entitled "Towards the ontology of caesura. Reflecting the experience of Russian-Ukrainian war and the related geopolitical conflict", and Anu Põldsam (Estonia). 

The deadline for paper abstracts (up to 1500 characters) is July 23. Please send them to Panel proposals with speakers and abstracts are also welcome. 

There is no conference fee. Participants are expected to cover their own accommodation (if help is needed, you can contact the same email), as well as dining and travel costs.

Conference program is available trough organizers.

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Doctoral defence: Oscar Salvador Miyamoto Gomez “The Forms of Memory: Biosemiotic Modelling of Alloanimal Episodic Semiosis”

On 14 October at 12:15 Oscar Salvador Miyamoto Gomez will defend his doctoral thesis “The Forms of Memory: Biosemiotic Modelling of Alloanimal Episodic Semiosis” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Semiotics and Culture Studies).

Doctoral defence: Andrew Mark Creighton “Wolves as Signs of McDonaldization in Northern Manitoba”

On 14 October at 16:15 Andrew Mark Creighton will defend his doctoral thesis “Wolves as Signs of McDonaldization in Northern Manitoba” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Semiotics and Culture Studies).