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Rules of Attraction: A Workshop on Desire and Normativity

December 16-17, 2022

Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, University of Tartu 

Jakobi 2, Room 336 

Tartu, Estonia 



The workshop will bring together philosophers who work on desires and the contribution of desires to evaluative/normative cognition.

Everyone interested is welcome to attend. If you have any questions, contact


Friday, December 16 

10:00-11:30 Ashley Shaw (Leeds), „Urges“ 


12:00-13:30 Patrick Butlin (Oxford), „Individual Evaluative Perspectives“ 


15:00-16:30 Francesco Orsi (Tartu), „Anscombe’s Guise of the Good“ 


16:45-18:15 Alex Gregory (Southampton), „Structural Rationality in Desire” 


Saturday, December 17 

10:00-11:30 Elizabeth Ventham"Useful and Rational Ambivalence" (cancelled)


11:45-13:15 Neil Sinhababu (National University of Singapore), „Humean Moral Sense Theory Achieves Universality“ 


The workshop is supported by Estonian Research Council grant MOBTP1004.

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