Philosophical Film Club - porn and feminism

November 29th at 18:00 in Üheteistkümnes (Gildi 3-11) the Philosophical Film Club will gather to watch "Lovelace" (2013) and discuss porn from a feminist perspective.

We will watch Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's "Lovelace" with Amanda Seyfried playing Linda (Lovelace) Marchiano. The film depicts how Marchiano came to appear in “Deep Throat.”

Before he chairs the discussion, Alex Davies will briefly describe some features of Catharine MacKinnon's anti-porn feminism and its relation to Marchiano's experience of performing in “Deep Throat.”

Before attending the Philosophical Film Club we recommend that you take a look at two texts. The first is "Linda's Life and Andrea's Work" which is a speech by MacKinnon in which she responds to the chairman of the Playboy foundation at a panel on pornography that took place in 1982.

The other text is a chapter from Carolyn Bronstein's “Battling Pornography”, a history book on the anti-pornography movement in the US during the 1970s and 1980s. The chapter describes the atmosphere of that time and place—including the reception of “Deep Throat” when it was released.

You can find the texts in Google Drive

The film and discussion will be in English.
Film: 18:00.
Discussion: 19:45.

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