Nele Tammeaid

Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony

Master’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Thursday, 20 June at 13.00 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).

The graduation ceremonies of the University of Tartu are held from 14 to 21 June. The live webcasts and recordings of ceremonies will be available on UTTV

Webcasts of graduation ceremonies held in the university assembly hall can also be followed in lecture hall 139 of the main building and on the large screen set up for guests in front of the main building. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to bring your water bottle (there is a tap in the lobby of the main building where you can refill your bottle). 

Graduating students will receive more detailed information about the ceremony from their faculty or institute by email. Read also information about how the graduates receive their graduation documents

Graduates who want the university’s cap or ring can order it from The ring orders will be forwarded to the jeweller on the last day of each month, and the rings will be ready in two months. Those who want the cap are advised to place their order as soon as possible to receive the cap before the graduation ceremony. Both the caps and rings can be conveniently collected from the parcel machine or the main building. During ceremonies, the university souvenirs will also be sold in front of the main building. 

Every year, graduates wish to take photos in front of the university main building. There are also other great places for taking personal photos in Tartu: 

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