Emmi Kaaya, emmi.kaaya@gmail.com, "Open Science and Informed Consent", supervisors Kadri Simm ja Jaana Eigi-Watkin
Maryn Reyneke-de-Kock, m.reyneke@maastrichtuniversity.nl, "The Ethics of Genome-Wide Reproductive Screening", supervisors Kadri Simm ja Andres Salumets (cotutelle juhendamine Maastrichti Ülikooliga).
Andrey Gavrilin, andrey.gavrilin@ut.ee „Beyond the Apocalypse: Historical Imagination and „Unprecedented Change““, supervisor Siobhan Kattago
Litman Huang, litmanhuang@gmail.com "A Philosophical Investigation on the Formal Semantics of Personal Pronouns and its Potential Implications to the Metaphysical Discussion on Personal Identity", supervisor Alexander Stewart Davies
Kristin Kokkov, kristin.kokkov@ut.ee "Evidential Reasoning and Knowledge Formation Methods in the Humanities on the Basis of Archaeology", supervisor Endla Lõhkivi
Taavi Laanpere, taavi.laanpere@ut.ee "Reconceptualizing the Mind Based on Brain Research: the Case of Memory", supervisor Bruno Mölder
Lilian Langsepp, lilian.langsepp@gmail.com "Muusika taju: filosoofiline analüüs", supervisors Endla Lõhkivi ja Marek Volt.
Juho Lindholm, juho.lindholm@gmail.com, "Philosophy of Technics in a Naturalist Framework," supervisor Ave Mets
Kristi Lõuk, kristi.louk@ut.ee "On Researchers' Duty to Inform Participants", supervisor Margit Sutrop
Heidy Meriste, heidy.meriste@ut.ee, "The Role of Person-Focused Emotions in Our Moral Lives", supervisor Margit Sutrop
Eveli Neemre, eneemre@ut.ee, "Objectivity and Animal Research", supervisors Endla Lõhkivi ja Jaana Eigi
Karel Pajus, "Human Dignity as the Ground of Human Rights: The Plausibility of a Kantian Grounding", supervisor Francesco Orsi.
Merike Reiljan, merike.reiljan@ut.ee "Empathy as Collaboration", supervisors Bruno Mölder ja Francesco Orsi
Semen Reshenin, semen.reshenin@gmail.com, "Individual Self-Determination in Friedrich Schiller's Philosophical Writings", supervisor Eva Piirimäe
Sergei Sazonov, gavagay.real@gmail.com, "Neo-Lockean Justification of Private Property Rights", supervisor Francesco Orsi, co-supervisors Helen Eenmaa-Dimitrieva and Mats Volberg
Nikolai Shurakov, nikolai.shurakov@ut.ee "Knowing Indexicals", supervisor Alexander Stewart Davies
Pille Tekku, pille.tekku@ut.ee „Eestikeelse filosoofia kujunemisest juurtest tänapäevani“, supervisor Jaanus Sooväli
Stijn van Gorkum, gorkum@ut.ee "Why Be Moral? A Naturalistic Explanation of Hypothetical and Categorical Imperatives ", supervisor Francesco Orsi
Raul Veede, raul.veede@gmail.com, "The Concept of Visual Language in George Berkeley's Theory of Vision", supervisor Roomet Jakapi
Katrin Velbaum, katrin.velbaum@ut.ee "The Role and Meaning of the Concept of Aim in Theoretical Accounts of Science", supervisor Endla Lõhkivi
Henri Zeigo, henri.zeigo@gmail.com „The Epistemic Authority of Concepts: An Empirical Investigation into the Estonian Context“, supervisor Alexander Davies