On 16 December at 10:15 Muzayin Nazaruddin will defend his doctoral thesis “Semiotics of Natural Disasters: the Entanglements of Environmental and Cultural Transformations” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Semiotics and Culture Studies).
On 16 December at 14:15 Martin Oja will defend his doctoral thesis “Semiotics of Multimodal Conflict: Modes, Modalities and Audio-Visual Incongruence in Feature Film” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Semiotics and Culture Studies).
Department of Philosophy and the Centre for Ethics cordially invite you on Monday, 25 November at 16:15, Jakobi 2-336 to attend a talk by Dr. Ruth Rebecca Tietjen “Variations on loneliness: existential, social, political”. Dr. Tietjen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy at Tilburg University and Pof. Dr. Theda Rehbock’s Philosophy Resident at Susimetsa Philosophicum.
28. novembril kell 12.15 kaitseb Juho Kaarlo Sakari Lindholm filosoofia erialal doktoritööd „Knowledge and Practice. A Criticism of Epistemology” („Teadmine ja praktika. Epistemoloogia kriitika”).
22. novembril kell 16.00 kaitseb Sergei Sazonov filosoofia erialal doktoritööd „The Entrepreneurial Theory of Ownership” („Ettevõtluslik omanditeooria”).
We invite you to a public seminar titled “Ethics of AI: a hindrance of innovation or an engine of good research?“ on 28 November at 10:00 in the UT Delta Study Building room 1006.
On October 16 at 16:15, J. Michael Ryan will give a guest lecture titled "McDonaldization and Semiotics". Ryan is a professor of sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú). He has studied the phenomenon of McDonaldization and co-edits the book "The McDonaldization of Society" with George Ritzer.
The discussion game developed by researchers at the Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu has received a remake – the game is now available in English.
On Tuesday, 15 October, from 4:15–5:45 pm, Nigel DeSouza, Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, will give a guest lecture at the University of Tartu. The topic of the lecture is "Herder and Kant on the philosophy of life and the foundations of morality: two models of German enlightenment, with a modern perspective". The lecture will take place at Jakobi 2-114.
The photo exhibition „Shimmer“ by Ave Mets opens on Friday, 4 October at 12.00 in the University of Tartu Philosophicum Hall Gallery (Jakobi 2, Tartu). The exhibition offers shimmer, impressions and plays of light from different locations in Estonia and all over the world for viewers to discover.