Grenoble-Tartu workshop on memory and imagination, titled "Thought in Time" will take place 27–28 February 2025 at the University of Tartu, Jakobi 2-336. This workshop will bring together philosophers from Tartu and Grenoble to discuss themes of common interest related to the philosophy of memory and imagination. The talks will cover both empirically informed approaches in contemporary philosophy of mind and historical perspectives.
Keynote: Dorothea Debus (Erlangen), “Memory, imagination and disjunctivism”.
27 February
10:00–10:50 Riin Sirkel (Tartu), “Stoics on phantasia”
10:50–11:10 Coffee break
11:10–12:00 Vilius Dranseika (Kraków), “Hackenschmidt on forgetting”
12:00–12:50 Meelis Friedenthal (Tartu), “About the interior senses, common sense, imagination and memory in early modern philosophical disputations”
12:50–14:30 Lunch
14:30–15:20 Kourken Michaelian (Grenoble), “Causalism(s) and mnemic reference”
15:20–15:40 Break
15:40–16:30 Denis Perrin (Grenoble), “What is the memory trace if it is a disposition”
28 February
10:00–10:50 Jelena Markovic (Grenoble), “The value of memory building in grief”
10:50–11:10 Coffee break
11:10–12:00 Uku Tooming & Roomet Jakapi (Tartu), “Aphantasia and the Humean account of abstraction”
12:00–12:50 Jakub Rudnicki (Grenoble), “Can a simulationist be a causalist about the metasemantics of episodic remembering?”
12:50–14:30 Lunch
14:30–15:20 Bruno Mölder (Tartu), “Natural kinds and memory”
15:20–15:40 Break
15:40–17:10 Keynote: Dorothea Debus (Erlangen), “Memory, imagination and disjunctivism”
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